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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Aploactinidae (Velvetfishes)
Found 38 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 290000 | Aploactinidae | velvetfishes |
37 290901 | Acanthosphex spp. | |
37 290902 | Adventor spp. | |
37 290903 | Aploactis spp. | |
37 290904 | Aploactisoma spp. | |
37 290905 | Bathyaploactis spp. | |
37 290906 | Cocotropus spp. | |
37 290907 | Erisphex spp. | |
37 290908 | Kanekonia spp. | |
37 290909 | Matsubarichthys spp. | |
37 290910 | Neoaploactis spp. | |
37 290911 | Paraploactis spp. | |
37 290912 | Peristrominous spp. | |
37 290913 | Pseudopataecus spp. | |
37 290914 | Xenaploactis spp. | |
37 290017 | Acanthosphex leurynnis | Wasp-spine Velvetfish |
37 290004 | Adventor elongatus | Sandpaper Velvetfish |
37 290005 | Aploactis aspera | Dusky Velvetfish |
37 290001 | Aploactisoma milesii | Southern Velvetfish |
37 290006 | Bathyaploactis curtisensis | Port Curtis Mossback |
37 290008 | Bathyaploactis ornatissimus | Ornate Velvetfish |
37 290021 | Cocotropus altipinnis | Highfin Velvetfish |
37 290025 | Cocotropus larvatus | [a velvetfish] |
37 290016 | Cocotropus microps | Patchwork Velvetfish |
37 290014 | Cocotropus sp. [in Allen, 1997] | thin velvetfish |
37 290002 | Erisphex aniarus | Darkfin Velvetfish |
37 290024 | Kanekonia leichhardti | [a velvetfish] |
37 290007 | Kanekonia queenslandica | Deep Velvetfish |
37 290013 | Matsubarichthys inusitatus | Rare Velvetfish |
37 290009 | Neoaploactis tridorsalis | Threefin Velvetfish |
37 290022 | Paraploactis cf kagoshimensis | [a velvetfish] |
37 290010 | Paraploactis intonsa | Bearded Velvetfish |
37 290003 | Paraploactis pulvinus | Pillow Velvetfish |
37 290011 | Paraploactis trachyderma | Mossback Velvetfish |
37 290012 | Peristrominous dolosus | Deceitful Velvetfish |
37 290023 | Pseudopataecus carnatobarbatus | [a velvetfish] |
37 290015 | Pseudopataecus taenianotus | Longfin Velvetfish |
37 290018 | Xenaploactis cautes | Rough Velvetfish |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.