CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Phliantidae (amphipods)

Found 20 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
28 482013 Pereionotus dieteri amphipods
28 482000 Phliantidae amphipods
28 482901 Gabophlias spp.
28 482902 Iphiplateia spp.
28 482903 Pereionotus spp.
28 482904 Quasimodia spp.
28 482011 Gabophlias gabiae [an amphipod]
28 482012 Gabophlias kerstinae [an amphipod]
28 482001 Gabophlias olono [an amphipod]
28 482009 Iphiplateia jakei [an amphipod]
28 482008 Iphiplateia marleneae [an amphipod]
28 482010 Iphiplateia verenaae [an amphipod]
28 482002 Iphiplateia whiteleggei [an amphipod]
28 482014 Pereionotus hartmuti [an amphipod]
28 482003 Pereionotus thomsoni [an amphipod]
28 482015 Pereionotus yongensis [an amphipod]
28 482004 Quasimodia barnardi [an amphipod]
28 482005 Quasimodia capricornis [an amphipod]
28 482006 Quasimodia enna [an amphipod]
28 482007 Quasimodia womersleyi [an amphipod]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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