CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Uristidae (amphipods)

Found 48 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
28 413000 Uristidae amphipods
28 413901 Abyssorchomene spp. [an amphipod]
28 413912 Debroyerella spp. [an amphipod]
28 413910 Des spp. [an amphipod]
28 413911 Euonyx spp. [an amphipod]
28 413902 Galathella spp. [an amphipod]
28 413903 Gippsia spp. [an amphipod]
28 413904 Ichnopus spp. [an amphipod]
28 413905 Koroga spp. [an amphipod]
28 413906 Nagada spp. [an amphipod]
28 413909 Parschisturella spp. [an amphipod]
28 413907 Stephonyx spp. [an amphipod]
28 413908 Uristes spp. [an amphipod]
28 413001 Abyssorchomene distinctus [an amphipod]
28 413021 Abyssorchomene gerulicorbis [an amphipod]
28 413036 Debroyerella fougneri [an amphipod]
28 413037 Debroyerella similis [an amphipod]
28 413038 Debroyerella solidus [an amphipod]
28 413022 Des griffini [an amphipod]
28 413023 Euonyx urania [an amphipod]
28 413024 Euonyx xarifa [an amphipod]
28 413002 Galathella bassiana [an amphipod]
28 413004 Galathella palana [an amphipod]
28 413020 Galathella solivagus [an amphipod]
28 413005 Gippsia jonesae [an amphipod]
28 413006 Ichnopus annasona [an amphipod]
28 413007 Ichnopus capricornus [an amphipod]
28 413008 Ichnopus caritus [an amphipod]
28 413009 Ichnopus cribensis [an amphipod]
28 413010 Ichnopus parriwi [an amphipod]
28 413011 Ichnopus pelagicus [an amphipod]
28 413012 Ichnopus tenuicornis [an amphipod]
28 413013 Ichnopus wardi [an amphipod]
28 413014 Koroga megalops [an amphipod]
28 413015 Nagada uwedoae [an amphipod]
28 413025 Parschisturella carinata [an amphipod]
28 413026 Parschisturella martrudan [an amphipod]
28 413027 Parschisturella medora [an amphipod]
28 413028 Parschisturella pilot [an amphipod]
28 413035 Parschisturella simplex [an amphipod]
28 413029 Stephonyx arabiensis [an amphipod]
28 413030 Stephonyx normani [an amphipod]
28 413016 Stephonyx pirloti [an amphipod]
28 413031 Stephonyx rafaeli [an amphipod]
28 413039 Stephonyx sigmacrus [an amphipod]
28 413033 Uristes adarei [an amphipod]
28 413034 Uristes albinus [an amphipod]
28 413032 Uristes gigas [an amphipod]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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