CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Corycaeidae (cyclopoid copepods)

Found 38 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
27 309000 Corycaeidae cyclopoid copepods
27 309901 Corycaeus spp. [a cyclopoid copepod]
27 309902 Ditrichocorycaeus spp. [a copepod]
27 309904 Farranula spp.
27 309905 Monocorycaeus spp.
27 309903 Onychocorycaeus spp. [a copepod]
27 309009 Corycaeus aucklandicus [a copepod]
27 309003 Corycaeus clausi [a copepod]
27 309004 Corycaeus crassiusculus [a copepod]
27 309010 Corycaeus dahli [a copepod]
27 309011 Corycaeus erythraeus [a copepod]
27 309021 Corycaeus furcifer [a copepod]
27 309022 Corycaeus lautus [a copepod]
27 309001 Corycaeus limbatus [a copepod]
27 309023 Corycaeus longistylus [a copepod]
27 309005 Corycaeus speciosus [a copepod]
27 309002 Corycaeus typicus [a copepod]
27 309030 Corycaeus vitreus [a cyclopoid copepod]
27 309006 Ditrichocorycaeus andrewsi [a copepod]
27 309007 Ditrichocorycaeus anglicus [a copepod]
27 309008 Ditrichocorycaeus asiaticus [a copepod]
27 309031 Ditrichocorycaeus lubbocki [a cyclopoid copepod]
27 309012 Ditrichocorycaeus subtilis [a copepod]
27 309013 Ditrichocorycaeus tenuis [a copepod]
27 309024 Farranula carinata [a copepod]
27 309025 Farranula concinna [a copepod]
27 309026 Farranula curta [a copepod]
27 309027 Farranula gibbula [a copepod]
27 309028 Farranula gracilis [a copepod]
27 309029 Farranula rostrata [a copepod]
27 309014 Monocorycaeus robustus [a copepod]
27 309015 Onychocorycaeus agilis [a copepod]
27 309016 Onychocorycaeus catus [a copepod]
27 309017 Onychocorycaeus giesbrechti [a copepod]
27 309018 Onychocorycaeus latus [a copepod]
27 309019 Onychocorycaeus ovalis [a copepod]
27 309032 Onychocorycaeus pacificus [a cyclopoid copepod]
27 309020 Onychocorycaeus pumilis [a copepod]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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