CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Haminoeidae (bubble shells)

Found 36 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
24 330000 Haminoeidae bubble shells
24 330909 Aliculastrum spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330901 Atys spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330912 Bakawan spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330903 Cylichnatys spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330913 Diniatys spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330904 Haloa spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330910 Lamprohaminoea spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330905 Liloa spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330911 Papawera spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330908 Phanerophthalmus spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330902 Roxaniella spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330906 Weinkauffia spp. [a bubble shell]
24 330001 Aliculastrum cylindricum [a bubble shell]
24 330009 Aliculastrum tumidum [a bubble shell]
24 330002 Atys naucum [a bubble shell]
24 330020 Bakawan hedleyi [a bubble shell]
24 330016 Bakawan rotundata [a bubble shell]
24 330006 Cylichnatys campanula [a bubble shell]
24 330018 Diniatys dentifer [a bubble shell]
24 330019 Diniatys monodonta [a bubble shell]
24 330014 Haloa crocata [a bubble shell]
24 330003 Lamprohaminoea cymbalum [a bubble shell]
24 330015 Lamprohaminoea ovalis [a bubble shell]
24 330004 Liloa brevis [a bubble shell]
24 330011 Liloa mongii [a bubble shell]
24 330007 Papawera maugeansis [a bubble shell]
24 330013 Papawera zelandiae [a bubble shell]
24 330017 Phanerophthalmus cerverai [a sea slug]
24 330010 Phanerophthalmus luteus [a bubble shell]
24 330005 Roxaniella exigua [a bubble shell]
24 330008 Weinkauffia reliqua [a bubble shell]
24 330012 Weinkauffia tremens [a bubble shell]
99 240319 Atys sp. 1 [a bubble shell]
99 240320 Atys sp. 2 [a bubble shell]
99 240321 Liloa cf. mongii [a bubble shell]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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