CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Golfingiidae (sipunculan worms)

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
17 003000 Golfingiidae sipunculan worms
17 003901 Golfingia spp. [a sipunculan worm]
17 003902 Nephasoma spp. [a sipunculan worm]
17 003904 Onchnesoma spp. [a sipunculan worm]
17 003905 Phascolion spp. [a sipunculan worm]
17 003906 Themiste spp. [a sipunculan worm]
17 003903 Thysanocardia spp. [a sipunculan worm]
17 003008 Golfingia anderssoni [a sipunculan worm]
17 003007 Golfingia margaritacea [a sipunculan worm]
17 003032 Golfingia muricaudata [a sipunculan worm]
17 003001 Golfingia vulgaris herdmani [a sipunculan worm]
17 003012 Nephasoma cutleri [a sipunculan worm]
17 003013 Nephasoma diaphanes diaphanes [a sipunculan worm]
17 003015 Nephasoma minutum [a sipunculan worm]
17 003017 Nephasoma novaezealandiae [a sipunculan worm]
17 003014 Nephasoma pellucidum pellucidum [a sipunculan worm]
17 003006 Nephasoma schuettei [a sipunculan worm]
17 003018 Nephasoma tasmaniense [a sipunculan worm]
17 003019 Onchnesoma steenstrupii steenstrupii [a sipunculan worm]
17 003020 Phascolion collare [a sipunculan worm]
17 003021 Phascolion hedraeum [a sipunculan worm]
17 003022 Phascolion lutense [a sipunculan worm]
17 003023 Phascolion pacificum [a sipunculan worm]
17 003024 Phascolion strombus [a sipunculan worm]
17 003025 Phascolion tuberculosum [a sipunculan worm]
17 003026 Themiste cymodoceae [a sipunculan worm]
17 003027 Themiste dehamata [a sipunculan worm]
17 003028 Themiste lageniformis [a sipunculan worm]
17 003029 Themiste minor huttoni [a sipunculan worm]
17 003030 Themiste minor minor [a sipunculan worm]
17 003031 Themiste variospinosa [a sipunculan worm]
17 003016 Thysanocardia catharinae [a sipunculan worm]
99 170009 Golfingia sp. [a sipunculan worm]
99 170010 Thermiste sp. [a sipunculan worm]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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