CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 56 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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Chromista (kingdom)   Ochrophyta (phylum)   Bacillariophyceae (class)   Chaetocerotanae incertae sedis (order)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
53 112001 Attheya septentrionalis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 112901 Attheya spp. 2012-10-05
53 112000 Attheyaceae 2012-10-22
53 110001 Bacteriastrum comosum J. Pavillard, 1916 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110002 Bacteriastrum delicatulum Shadbolt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110003 Bacteriastrum furcatum Lauder [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110004 Bacteriastrum hyalinum Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110900 Bacteriastrum spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 110005 Chaetoceros affinis Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110006 Chaetoceros anastomosans Gran [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110007 Chaetoceros atlanticus var. atlanticus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110008 Chaetoceros atlanticus var. neapolitanus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110047 Chaetoceros bulbosus (Ehrenberg) Heiden, 1928 2012-02-17
53 110009 Chaetoceros cf. compressus var. hirtisetus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110010 Chaetoceros cf. coronatus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110011 Chaetoceros cinctus Laud., 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110012 Chaetoceros coarctatus Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110013 Chaetoceros compressus Mangin, 1917 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110014 Chaetoceros concavicornis Castracane, 1886 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110015 Chaetoceros convolutus Pavillard, 1911 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110016 Chaetoceros costatus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110017 Chaetoceros criophilus P.T. Cleve, 1889 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110048 Chaetoceros curvatus Castracane, 1886, 1886 2012-02-17
53 110018 Chaetoceros curvisetus Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110019 Chaetoceros danicus P.T. Cleve, 1894 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110020 Chaetoceros debilis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110021 Chaetoceros decipiens P.T. Cleve, 1901 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110022 Chaetoceros densus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110023 Chaetoceros denticulatus Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110024 Chaetoceros diadema Ehrenberg [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110025 Chaetoceros dichaeta Ehrenberg, 1845 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110026 Chaetoceros didymus Cleve, 1873 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110027 Chaetoceros diversus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110028 Chaetoceros eibenii Schütt, 1895 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110029 Chaetoceros laciniosus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110030 Chaetoceros laevis Leudiger-Fortmorel, 1892 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110031 Chaetoceros lauderi Grunow, 1863 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110032 Chaetoceros lorenzianus Castr., 1875 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110033 Chaetoceros messanensis (J.W. Bailey) Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110034 Chaetoceros mitra Schütt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110035 Chaetoceros paradoxus Karsten [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110036 Chaetoceros pendulus Brightwell [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110037 Chaetoceros peruvianus Ostenfeld, 1901 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110038 Chaetoceros pseudocrinitus Mangin, 1910 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110039 Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus Schütt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110040 Chaetoceros radicans Lauder [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110041 Chaetoceros rostratus P.T. Cleve, 1896 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110042 Chaetoceros similis Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110043 Chaetoceros socialis P.T. Cleve, 1896 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110044 Chaetoceros subtilis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110045 Chaetoceros teres [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110046 Chaetoceros vanheurckii H.H. Gran, 1897 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110902 Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete) spp. 2012-02-17
53 110903 Chaetoceros (Phaoceros) spp. 2012-02-17
53 110901 Chaetoceros spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 110000 Chaetocerotaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04

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