CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 500 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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Chromista (kingdom)   Ochrophyta (phylum)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
53 112001 Attheya septentrionalis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 112901 Attheya spp. 2012-10-05
53 112000 Attheyaceae 2012-10-22
53 025001 Aulacoseira distans Pavillard [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 025002 Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 025003 Aulacoseira granulata var. granulata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 025901 Aulacoseira spp. 2012-10-05
53 025000 Aulacoseiraceae 2012-10-22
53 270001 Bacillaria paxillifera (O.F. Müll.) Hendy [a diatom] 2004-06-04 2012-02-15
53 270901 Bacillaria spp. 2012-02-17
53 270002 Ceratoneis closterium Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270904 Ceratoneis spp. 2012-10-05
53 270003 Cymbellonitzschia diluviana Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270905 Cymbellonitzschia spp. 2012-10-05
53 270004 Denticula subtilis (Ehrenberg) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270906 Denticula spp. 2012-10-05
53 270005 Hantzschia amphioxys Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270006 Hantzschia distinctepunctata (Donkin) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270007 Hantzschia marina (Roper) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270008 Hantzschia virgata Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270907 Hantzschia spp. 2012-10-05
53 270009 Nitzschia amphibia W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270010 Nitzschia angularis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270011 Nitzschia bicapitata W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270012 Nitzschia bilobata W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270013 Nitzschia brebissonii Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270014 Nitzschia bremenensis Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270015 Nitzschia brevirostris Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270070 Nitzschia cf. bicapitata 2012-02-17
53 270016 Nitzschia cf. fonticola [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270017 Nitzschia commutata (Kützing) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270018 Nitzschia dissipata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270019 Nitzschia distans var. tumescens [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270020 Nitzschia fasciculata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270021 Nitzschia fluminensis Grunow, 1862 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270022 Nitzschia frustulum [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270023 Nitzschia hummii Hustedt, 1955 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270024 Nitzschia incurva Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270025 Nitzschia laevis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270026 Nitzschia linearis Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270028 Nitzschia longissima f. longissima [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270027 Nitzschia longissima f. costata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270029 Nitzschia lorenziana var. lorenziana [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270030 Nitzschia lorenziana var. subtilis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270031 Nitzschia marina (Agardh) Van Heurck [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270032 Nitzschia martiana (Kützing) W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270034 Nitzschia obtusa var. scalpelliformis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270033 Nitzschia obtusa var. obtusa [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270035 Nitzschia palea W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270036 Nitzschia plana (Castracane) Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270037 Nitzschia sicula (Kützing) W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270038 Nitzschia sigma [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270039 Nitzschia subinflata Hustedt in Schmidt et al., 1922 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270040 Nitzschia tryblionella [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270041 Nitzschia vidovichii (Grunow) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1881 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270900 Nitzschia spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 270042 Psammodictyon panduriforme (G.R. Hasle) G.A. Fryxell [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270908 Psammodictyon spp. 2012-10-05
53 270043 Pseudo-nitzschia americana Frenguelli [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270044 Pseudo-nitzschia australis Lundholm, Moestrup & Hasle, 2003 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270045 Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha (G.R. Hasle) G.R. Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270046 Pseudo-nitzschia cuspidata (Cleve) Heiden [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270047 Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima Lundholm & Moestrup, 2006 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270048 Pseudo-nitzschia dolorosa (Cleve) G.R. Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270049 Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta (Cleve) Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270050 Pseudo-nitzschia lineola (Hasle) Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270051 Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (Takano) Takano, 1995 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270052 Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata (Grunow ex Cleve) Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270053 Pseudo-nitzschia pungens (G.R. Hasle) G.R. Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270054 Pseudo-nitzschia subpacifica W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270903 Pseudo-nitzschia spp. 2012-02-17
53 270055 Tryblionella acuminata Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270056 Tryblionella apiculata (Kitton in Pritchard) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270057 Tryblionella brightwellii (Grunow) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270058 Tryblionella coarctata (Grunow) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270059 Tryblionella cocconeiformis (Bailey) Poulin in Poulin et al., 1990 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270060 Tryblionella compressa (Grunow ex Cleve) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270061 Tryblionella graeffii (Grunow) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270062 Tryblionella granulata (Grunow) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270063 Tryblionella hungarica Grunow ex Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270064 Tryblionella lanceola W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270065 Tryblionella levidensis (Grunow) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270066 Tryblionella marginulata W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270067 Tryblionella punctata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270068 Tryblionella scalaris (Ehrenberg) Siver & P.B. Hamilton, 2005 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270069 Tryblionella victoriae (Ehrenberg) Kützing [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 270909 Tryblionella spp. 2012-10-05
53 270000 Bacillariaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 270902 Nitzschia longissima/Cylindrotheca closterium 2012-02-17
53 081001 Bellerochea horologicalis var. horologicalis H.A. von Stosch, 1977 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 081002 Bellerochea horologicalis var. recta H.A. von Stosch, 1987 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 081003 Bellerochea malleus var. biangulata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 081007 Bellerochea malleus (Brightwell) Van Heurck 2012-02-17
53 081900 Bellerochea spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 081004 Neostreptotheca subindica [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 081006 Neostreptotheca torta f. triangularis H.A. von Stosch, 1987 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 081005 Neostreptotheca torta f. torta H.A. von Stosch, 1987 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 081901 Neostreptotheca spp. 2012-10-05
53 081000 Bellerocheaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 230001 Berkeleya micans (Trentepohl ex Roth) Grunown 1880 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 230002 Berkeleya rutilans [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 230003 Berkeleya scopulorum var. perlonga [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 230004 Berkeleya scopulorum var. scopulorum J. John [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 230901 Berkeleya spp. 2012-10-05
53 230005 Climaconeis stromatolitis (Cleve) Witkowski [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 230902 Climaconeis spp. 2012-10-05
53 230000 Berkeleyaceae 2012-10-22
53 265001 Amphora acuta Kützing [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265002 Amphora affinis Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265003 Amphora angusta [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265004 Amphora arcta A.F.W. Schmidt in Schmidt et al., 1875 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265005 Amphora arenaria [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265006 Amphora australiensis J. John, 1981 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265007 Amphora bigibba Giggen, 1980 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265008 Amphora caroliniana Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265009 Amphora cingulata Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265010 Amphora crassa A.Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265011 Amphora crucifera Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265012 Amphora decussata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265013 Amphora egregia Ehrenberg, 1861 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265014 Amphora gigantea Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265015 Amphora graeffii var. minor H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, 1898 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265016 Amphora grevilleana Kützing [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265017 Amphora holsatica var. malayana [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265018 Amphora hyalina [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265019 Amphora javanica A.F.W. Schmidt in Schmidt et al., 1875 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265020 Amphora laevis Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265021 Amphora laevissima Ehrenberg [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265022 Amphora libyca Ehrenberg [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265023 Amphora lineolata Schmidt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265024 Amphora maletractata var. constricta [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265025 Amphora mexicana W. Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265026 Amphora obtusa Brébisson [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265027 Amphora ostrearia (Kützing) Kützing [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265028 Amphora ovalis (Kützing) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265029 Amphora pediculus Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265030 Amphora proteus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265032 Amphora rhombica var. rhombica [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265031 Amphora rhombica var. intermedia [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265033 Amphora richardiana B.J. Cholnoky, 1968 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265034 Amphora robusta Gregory [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265035 Amphora spectabilis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265036 Amphora tetragibba Cleve, 1895 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265037 Amphora weissflogii A.F.W. Schmidt in Schmidt et al., 1875 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 265900 Amphora spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 265000 Catenulaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 110001 Bacteriastrum comosum J. Pavillard, 1916 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110002 Bacteriastrum delicatulum Shadbolt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110003 Bacteriastrum furcatum Lauder [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110004 Bacteriastrum hyalinum Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110900 Bacteriastrum spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 110005 Chaetoceros affinis Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110006 Chaetoceros anastomosans Gran [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110007 Chaetoceros atlanticus var. atlanticus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110008 Chaetoceros atlanticus var. neapolitanus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110047 Chaetoceros bulbosus (Ehrenberg) Heiden, 1928 2012-02-17
53 110009 Chaetoceros cf. compressus var. hirtisetus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110010 Chaetoceros cf. coronatus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110011 Chaetoceros cinctus Laud., 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110012 Chaetoceros coarctatus Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110013 Chaetoceros compressus Mangin, 1917 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110014 Chaetoceros concavicornis Castracane, 1886 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110015 Chaetoceros convolutus Pavillard, 1911 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110016 Chaetoceros costatus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110017 Chaetoceros criophilus P.T. Cleve, 1889 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110048 Chaetoceros curvatus Castracane, 1886, 1886 2012-02-17
53 110018 Chaetoceros curvisetus Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110019 Chaetoceros danicus P.T. Cleve, 1894 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110020 Chaetoceros debilis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110021 Chaetoceros decipiens P.T. Cleve, 1901 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110022 Chaetoceros densus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110023 Chaetoceros denticulatus Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110024 Chaetoceros diadema Ehrenberg [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110025 Chaetoceros dichaeta Ehrenberg, 1845 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110026 Chaetoceros didymus Cleve, 1873 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110027 Chaetoceros diversus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110028 Chaetoceros eibenii Schütt, 1895 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110029 Chaetoceros laciniosus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110030 Chaetoceros laevis Leudiger-Fortmorel, 1892 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110031 Chaetoceros lauderi Grunow, 1863 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110032 Chaetoceros lorenzianus Castr., 1875 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110033 Chaetoceros messanensis (J.W. Bailey) Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110034 Chaetoceros mitra Schütt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110035 Chaetoceros paradoxus Karsten [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110036 Chaetoceros pendulus Brightwell [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110037 Chaetoceros peruvianus Ostenfeld, 1901 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110038 Chaetoceros pseudocrinitus Mangin, 1910 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110039 Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus Schütt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110040 Chaetoceros radicans Lauder [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110041 Chaetoceros rostratus P.T. Cleve, 1896 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110042 Chaetoceros similis Lauder, 1864 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110043 Chaetoceros socialis P.T. Cleve, 1896 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110044 Chaetoceros subtilis Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110045 Chaetoceros teres [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110046 Chaetoceros vanheurckii H.H. Gran, 1897 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 110903 Chaetoceros (Phaoceros) spp. 2012-02-17
53 110901 Chaetoceros spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 110902 Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete) spp. 2012-02-17
53 110000 Chaetocerotaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
54 051001 Chnoospora implexa J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 051002 Chnoospora minima (K.Hering) Papenfuss [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 051901 Chnoospora spp. 2012-10-05
54 051000 Chnoosporaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 020001 Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 020901 Discosporangium spp. 2012-10-05
54 020000 Choristocarpaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
53 095002 Corethron inerme G. Karsten, 1905 [a diatom] 2012-02-17 2012-03-27
53 095001 Corethron pennatum Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 095900 Corethron spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 095000 Corethraceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 232001 Cosmioneis eta (Hilse) D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 232901 Cosmioneis spp. 2012-10-05
53 232000 Cosmioneidaceae 2012-10-22
54 030001 Cutleria adspersa (Mertens ex Roth) De Notaris [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 030002 Cutleria kraftii Huisman [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 030003 Cutleria mollis Allender & Kraft [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 030004 Cutleria multifida (J.E.Smith) Greville [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 030901 Cutleria spp. 2012-10-05
54 030005 Microzonia velutina (Harvey) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 030902 Microzonia spp. 2012-10-05
54 030000 Cutleriaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 103001 Acrocarpia paniculata (Turner) Areschoug [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103012 Acrocarpia robusta Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103901 Acrocarpia spp. 2012-10-05
54 103002 Carpoglossum confluens (R. Brown ex Turner) Kützing [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103902 Carpoglossum spp. 2012-10-05
54 103013 Caulocystis cephalornithos (Labillardière) Areschoug [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103003 Caulocystis uvifera (C.Agardh) Areschoug [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103903 Caulocystis spp. 2012-10-05
54 103014 Cystophora botryocystis Sonder [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103015 Cystophora brownii (Turner) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103016 Cystophora congesta Womersley & Nizamuddin [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103017 Cystophora cuspidata J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103018 Cystophora cymodocea Womersley & Nizamuddin ex Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103019 Cystophora distenda J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103020 Cystophora expansa Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103021 Cystophora gracilis Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103022 Cystophora grevillei (C.Agardh ex Sonder) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103023 Cystophora harveyi Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103024 Cystophora intermedia J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103025 Cystophora monilifera J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103004 Cystophora moniliformis (Esper) Womersley & Nizamuddin ex Womersley [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103026 Cystophora pectinata (Greville & C.Agardh ex Sonder) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103005 Cystophora platylobium (Mertens) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103006 Cystophora polycystidea Areschoug ex J. Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103027 Cystophora racemosa (Harvey ex Kützing) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103007 Cystophora retorta (Mertens) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103028 Cystophora retroflexa (Labillardière) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103029 Cystophora scalaris J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103030 Cystophora siliquosa J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103008 Cystophora subfarcinata (Mertens) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103031 Cystophora tenuis Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103009 Cystophora torulosa (R.Brown ex Turner) J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103032 Cystophora xiphocarpa Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103904 Cystophora spp. 2012-10-05
54 103010 Cystoseira trinodis (Forsskål) C.Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103905 Cystoseira spp. 2012-10-05
54 103033 Hormophysa cuneiformis (J.F.Gmelin) P.C.Silva [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103906 Hormophysa spp. 2012-10-05
54 103034 Landsburgia myricifolia J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103035 Landsburgia quercifolia J.D.Hooker & Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103907 Landsburgia spp. 2012-10-05
54 103036 Myriodesma calophyllum J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103037 Myriodesma harveyanum Nizamuddin & Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103038 Myriodesma integrifolium Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103039 Myriodesma leptophyllum J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103040 Myriodesma serrulatum (J.V.Lamouroux) Endlicher [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103041 Myriodesma tuberosum J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103908 Myriodesma spp. 2012-10-05
54 103042 Platythalia angustifolia Sonder [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103043 Platythalia quercifolia (R.Brown ex Turner) Sonder [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 103909 Platythalia spp. 2012-10-05
54 103011 Scaberia agardhii Greville [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 103910 Scaberia spp. 2012-10-05
54 103000 Cystoseiraceae brown algae 2000-07-27
54 066001 Cladothele striarioides (Skottsberg) A.D.Zinova [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 066901 Cladothele spp. 2012-10-05
54 066000 Delamareaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 040001 Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) J.V.Lamouroux [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 040002 Desmarestia willii Reinsch [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 040901 Desmarestia spp. 2012-10-05
54 040000 Desmarestiaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 008001 Elachista australis J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 008002 Elachista claytoniae Skinner [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 008003 Elachista orbicularis (Ohta) Skinner [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 008901 Elachista spp. 2012-10-05
54 008004 Halothrix ephemeralis Skinner [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 008902 Halothrix spp. 2012-10-05
54 008005 Herpodiscus durvilleae (Lindauer) G.R.South [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 008903 Herpodiscus spp. 2012-10-05
54 008000 Elachistaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
53 166001 Entopyla australis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 166901 Entopyla spp. 2012-10-05
53 166000 Entopylaceae 2012-10-22
53 120001 Asterionella bleakleyi W. Smith, 1856 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120900 Asterionella spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 120002 Asterionellopsis glacialis (Grunow) Round [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120904 Asterionellopsis spp. 2012-10-05
53 120003 Bleakeleya notata Kitton [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120905 Bleakeleya spp. 2012-10-05
53 120004 Ctenophora pulchella var. lacerata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120005 Ctenophora pulchella var. pulchella [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120906 Ctenophora spp. 2012-10-05
53 120006 Fragilaria capucina var. capucina [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120007 Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120008 Fragilaria crotonensis (Kützing) Grunow ex Van Heurck [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120009 Fragilaria hyalina J. John [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120010 Fragilaria punctata (Grunov) Lange-Bertalot [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120011 Fragilaria subsalina (Castracane) Lange-Bertalot, 1980 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120012 Fragilaria tabulata var. truncata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120013 Fragilaria toxoneides (Wallich) Medlin & Sims [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120901 Fragilaria spp. 2012-02-17
53 120039 Fragilariopsis curta (Van Heurck) Hustedt 2012-02-17
53 120014 Fragilariopsis doliolus (O'Meara) Hustedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120015 Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (A. Grunow) D.M. Williams & Round [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120902 Fragilariopsis separanda/rhombica 2012-02-17
53 120903 Fragilariopsis spp. 2012-02-17
53 120016 Hyalosynedra laevigata (Héribaud) F.E. Round [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120907 Hyalosynedra spp. 2012-10-05
53 120017 Martyana martyi (Greville) C. Agardh [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120908 Martyana spp. 2012-10-05
53 120018 Meridion circulare (J.J. Lee, C.W. Reimer & M.E. McEnery) F.E. Round, H. Hallsteinsen & E. Paasche [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120909 Meridion spp. 2012-10-05
53 120019 Nanofrustulum shiloi (A. Witkowski & H. Lange-Bertalot) K. Sabbe & W. Wyverman, 1995 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120910 Nanofrustulum spp. 2012-10-05
53 120020 Opephora guenter-grassii (Grunow) Petit ex Pelletan [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120021 Opephora schwartzii (Kützing) Ralfs [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120911 Opephora spp. 2012-10-05
53 120022 Podocystis adriatica [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120023 Podocystis spathulata (Grunow in Van Heurck) D.M. Williams & Round, 1987 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120912 Podocystis spp. 2012-10-05
53 120024 Pseudostaurosira brevistriata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120913 Pseudostaurosira spp. 2012-10-05
53 120025 Staurosira venter (Ehrenberg) H. Kobayasi in Mayama et al., 2002 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120914 Staurosira spp. 2012-10-05
53 120026 Staurosirella leptostauron (Ehrenberg) D.M. Williams & Round [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120027 Staurosirella pinnata (C. Agardh) Kützing [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120915 Staurosirella spp. 2012-10-05
53 120028 Synedra acus var. varipunctata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120029 Synedra crystallina Hantzsch [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120030 Synedra formosa (Greville) W. Smith [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120031 Synedra fulgens (Ehrenberg) D.M. Williams & Round [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120032 Synedra laevigata var. hyalina [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120916 Synedra spp. 2012-10-05
53 120033 Tabularia fasciculata (W. Smith) D.M. Williams & Round [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120034 Tabularia investiens Petit [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120917 Tabularia spp. 2012-10-05
53 120035 Trachysphenia australis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120918 Trachysphenia spp. 2012-10-05
53 120036 Ulnaria acus (Kützing) M. Aboal in Aboal, Alvarez Cobelas, Cambra & Ector, 2003 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120037 Ulnaria danica (Kützing) Compère & Bukhtiyarova in Bukhtiyarova & Compère, 2006 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120038 Ulnaria ulna (Nitzsch) P. Compère in Jahn et al., 2001 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 120919 Ulnaria spp. 2012-10-05
53 120000 Fragilariaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
54 101005 Ascophyllum nodosum (Linnaeus) Le Jolis, 1863 Knotted Wrack Knotted Wrack 2019-04-15 2020-05-12
54 101902 Ascophyllum spp. [a brown alga] 2019-04-15
54 101006 Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus, 1753 Bladder Wrack Bladder Wrack 2019-04-15 2020-04-27
54 101903 Fucus spp. ROCKWEED ROCKWEED 2019-04-15 2022-07-05
54 101002 Xiphophora chondrophylla minor (J.Agardh) E.Rice [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 101001 Xiphophora chondrophylla (R. Brown ex Turner) Montagne ex Harvey [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 101004 Xiphophora gladiata (Labillardière) Montagne ex Kjellman [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 101003 Xiphophora gladiata novae-zelandiae E.Rice [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 101901 Xiphophora spp. 2012-10-05
54 101000 Fucaceae brown algae 2000-07-27 2002-01-08
53 038001 Gossleriella punctata E.J.F. Wood, L.H. Crosby & V. Cassie, 1959 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 038002 Gossleriella tropica [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 038901 Gossleriella spp. 2012-10-05
53 038000 Gossleriellaceae 2012-10-22
53 040001 Actinoptychus adriaticus Grunow, 1863 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 040002 Actinoptychus aff. triligulatus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 040003 Actinoptychus senarius (Shadbolt) Ralfs ex Pritchard [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 040004 Actinoptychus splendens Schumann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 040005 Actinoptychus vulgaris (Janisch ex Gronow) Husedt [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 040900 Actinoptychus spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 040000 Heliopeltaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
54 100001 Hormosira banksii (Turner) Decaisne, 1842 Neptune's Necklace Neptune's Necklace 2000-07-27 2020-05-12
54 100901 Hormosira spp. 2012-10-05
54 100000 Hormosiraceae brown algae 2000-07-27
53 018001 Hyalodiscus laevis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 018002 Hyalodiscus lentiginosus J. John, 1982 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 018003 Hyalodiscus pustulatus (Kützing) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 018004 Hyalodiscus scoticus J.W. Bailey [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 018005 Hyalodiscus subtilis (J.W. Bailey) Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 018901 Hyalodiscus spp. 2012-10-05
53 018006 Podosira stelligera (Ehrenberg) Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 018902 Podosira spp. 2012-10-05
53 018000 Hyalodiscaceae 2012-10-22
54 009003 Corynophlaea cristata Womersley & Skinner [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009004 Corynophlaea cystophorae J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009901 Corynophlaea spp. 2012-10-05
54 009001 Leathesia difformis (Linnaeus) J.E.Areschoug [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 009005 Leathesia intermedia V.J.Chapman [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009006 Leathesia novae-zelandiae Lindauer [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009902 Leathesia spp. 2012-10-05
54 009007 Myriactula arabica (Kützing) Feldmann [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009008 Myriactula caespitosa Womersley & Skinner [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009009 Myriactula filiformis Womersley & Skinner [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009010 Myriactula haydenii (Gatty) Levring [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 009903 Myriactula spp. 2012-10-05
54 009002 Petrospongium rugosum (Okamura) Setchell & N.L.Gardner [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 009904 Petrospongium spp. 2012-10-05
54 009000 Leathesiaceae brown algae 2000-07-27
53 135001 Delphineis surirella var. australis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135002 Delphineis surirella var. surirella [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135901 Delphineis spp. 2012-10-05
53 135003 Diplomenora cocconeiformis [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135902 Diplomenora spp. 2012-10-05
53 135004 Neodetonia superba (C. Janisch) S. Blanco, 2011 [a diatom] 2012-02-15 2012-03-26
53 135903 Neodetonia spp. 2012-10-05
53 135007 Rhaphoneis amphiceros var. tetragona [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135005 Rhaphoneis amphiceros var. amphiceros [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135006 Rhaphoneis amphiceros var. crucifera [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135008 Rhaphoneis surirelloides (W. Gregory) F.E. Round & D.G. Mann [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 135900 Rhaphoneis spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04 2012-10-02
53 135000 Rhaphoneidaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04 2012-10-22
54 027001 Scoresbyella profunda Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 027901 Scoresbyella spp. 2012-10-05
54 027000 Scoresbyellaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 003001 Botrytella micromora Bory de Saint-Vincent [a brown alga] 2001-08-24 2007-07-31
54 003901 Botrytella spp. 2012-10-05
54 003000 Sorocarpaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 021001 Cladostephus spongiosus (Hudson) C.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021901 Cladostephus spp. 2012-10-05
54 021002 Sphacelaria biradiata Askenasy [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021003 Sphacelaria brachygonia Montagne [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021004 Sphacelaria bracteata (Reinke) Sauvageau [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021005 Sphacelaria carpoglossi Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021006 Sphacelaria chorizocarpa Sauvageau [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021007 Sphacelaria cirrosa (Roth) C.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021008 Sphacelaria divaricata Montagne [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021009 Sphacelaria fusca (Hudson) S.F.Gray [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021010 Sphacelaria implicata Sauvageau [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021011 Sphacelaria limicola Lindauer [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021012 Sphacelaria multiplex Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021013 Sphacelaria novae-caledoniae Savageau [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021014 Sphacelaria novae-hollandiae Sonder [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021015 Sphacelaria pulvinata J.D.Hooker & Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021016 Sphacelaria reinkei Sauvageau [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021017 Sphacelaria rigidula Kützing [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021018 Sphacelaria spuria Sauvageau [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021019 Sphacelaria tribuloides Meneghini [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021902 Sphacelaria spp. 2012-10-05
54 021020 Sphacella subtilissima Reinke [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 021903 Sphacella spp. 2012-10-05
54 021000 Sphacelariaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
54 015001 Splachnidium rugosum (Linnaeus) Greville [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 015901 Splachnidium spp. 2012-10-05
54 015000 Splachnidiaceae brown algae 2000-07-27
54 045001 Austronereia australis (Harvey) Womersley [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 045901 Austronereia spp. 2012-10-05
54 045004 Bellotia eriophorum Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045902 Bellotia spp. 2012-10-05
54 045005 Carpomitra costata (Stackhouse) Batters [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045903 Carpomitra spp. 2012-10-05
54 045006 Encyothalia cliftonii Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045904 Encyothalia spp. 2012-10-05
54 045007 Nereia lophocladia J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045905 Nereia spp. 2012-10-05
54 045008 Perisporochnus regalis V.J.Chapman [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045906 Perisporochnus spp. 2012-10-05
54 045009 Perithalia capillaris J.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045002 Perithalia caudata (Labillardière) Womersley [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 045907 Perithalia spp. 2012-10-05
54 045010 Sporochnema tomentosum Womersley [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045908 Sporochnema spp. 2012-10-05
54 045011 Sporochnus apodus Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045012 Sporochnus comosus C.Agardh [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045013 Sporochnus elsieae Lindauer [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045014 Sporochnus moorei Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045003 Sporochnus radiciformis (R.Brown ex Turner) C.Agardh [a brown alga] 2000-07-27
54 045015 Sporochnus stylosus Harvey [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045909 Sporochnus spp. 2012-10-05
54 045017 Tomaculopsis herbertiana A.B.Cribb [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 045910 Tomaculopsis spp. 2012-10-05
54 045000 Sporochnaceae brown algae 2000-07-27
53 003001 Cyclotella atomus [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 003002 Cyclotella meneghiniana (Kützing) Grunow [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 003003 Cyclotella striata [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 003901 Cyclotella spp. 2012-10-05
53 003004 Discostella stelligera (Cleve & Grunow) V. Houk & R. Klee, 2004 [a diatom] 2012-02-15 2012-03-26
53 003902 Discostella spp. 2012-10-05
53 003005 Stephanodiscus niagarae Cleve [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 003903 Stephanodiscus spp. 2012-10-05
53 003000 Stephanodiscaceae 2012-10-22
53 016001 Stephanopyxis palmeriana (Greville) Ralfs ex Pritchard [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 016002 Stephanopyxis turris Ehrenberg [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 016900 Stephanopyxis spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 016000 Stephanopyxidaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 082001 Streptotheca indica G. Karsten, 1907 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 082002 Streptotheca thamesis Shrubsole, 1890 [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 082900 Streptotheca spp. [a diatom] 2004-06-04
53 082000 Streptothecaceae [a diatom] 2004-06-04
54 064001 Stictyosiphon soriferus (Reinke) Rosenvinge [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 064901 Stictyosiphon spp. 2012-10-05
54 064002 Striaria attenuata (C. Agardh) Greville [a brown alga] 2001-08-24
54 064902 Striaria spp. 2012-10-05
54 064000 Striariaceae brown algae 2001-08-24
53 145001 Toxarium hennedyanum (E. Cupp) G.R. Hasle [a diatom] 2012-02-15
53 145901 Toxarium spp. 2012-10-05
53 145000 Toxariaceae 2012-10-22

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