CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 53 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

Restricted to:

Animalia (kingdom)   Chordata (phylum)   Reptilia (class)   Testudines (order)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
39 012001 Carettochelys insculpta Ramsay, 1886 pig-nosed turtle 1998-09-17 2011-03-01
39 012901 Carettochelys spp. 2012-10-05
39 012000 Carettochelyidae pignose turtles 1998-09-17 2012-10-19
39 006004 Chelodina burrungandjii Thomson, Kennett & Georges, 2000 sandstone snake-necked turtle 2011-03-01
39 006001 Chelodina canni McCord & Thomson, 2002 Cann's long-necked turtle 2011-03-01
39 006007 Chelodina colliei J.E. Gray, 1856 oblong turtle 2011-03-01
39 006005 Chelodina expansa J.E. Gray, 1857 broad-shelled turtle 2011-03-01
39 006002 Chelodina longicollis (Shaw, 1794) eastern long-necked turtle 2011-03-01
39 006006 Chelodina rugosa Ogilby, 1890 northern snake-necked turtle 2011-03-01
39 006003 Chelodina steindachneri Siebenrock, 1914 Steindachner's long-necked turtle 2011-03-01
39 006901 Chelodina spp. 2012-10-05
39 006008 Elseya albagula Thomson, Georges & Limbus, 2006 white-throated snapping turtle 2011-03-01
39 006009 Elseya dentata (J.E. Gray, 1863) northern snapping turtle 2011-03-01
39 006010 Elseya irwini Cann, 1997 Irwin's snapping turtle 2011-03-01
39 006011 Elseya lavarackorum (White & Archer, 1994) Gulf snapping turtle 2011-03-01
39 006902 Elseya spp. 2012-10-05
39 006012 Elusor macrurus Cann & Legler, 1994 Mary River turtle 2011-03-01
39 006903 Elusor spp. 2012-10-05
39 006024 Emydura macquarii krefftii (J.E. Gray, 1871) Krefft's river turtle 2011-05-03
39 006013 Emydura macquarii macquarii (J.E. Gray, 1830) Macquarie River turtle 2011-03-01
39 006025 Emydura macquarii nigra McCord, Cann & Joseph-Ouni, 2003 Fraser Island short-necked turtle 2011-05-03
39 006023 Emydura macquarii emmotti Cann, McCord & Joseph-Ouni, 2003 Cooper Creek turtle 2011-05-03
39 006014 Emydura subglobosa subglobosa (Krefft, 1876) New Guinea painted turtle 2011-03-01
39 006026 Emydura subglobosa worrelli (Wells & Wellington, 1985) Worrell's turtle 2011-05-03
39 006015 Emydura tanybaraga Cann, 1977 northern yellow-faced turtle 2011-03-01
39 006016 Emydura victoriae J.E. Gray, 1842 northern red-faced turtle 2011-03-01
39 006904 Emydura spp. 2012-10-05
39 006017 Myuchelys bellii (J.E. Gray, 1844) western sawshelled turtle 2011-03-01
39 006018 Myuchelys georgesi (Cann, 1997) Georges' helmeted turtle 2011-03-01
39 006019 Myuchelys latisternum (J.E. Gray, 1867) common sawshell turtle 2011-03-01
39 006020 Myuchelys purvisi (Wells & Wellington, 1985) Manning River helmeted turtle 2011-03-01
39 006905 Myuchelys spp. 2012-10-05
39 006021 Pseudemydura umbrina Siebenrock, 1901 western swamp turtle 2011-03-01
39 006906 Pseudemydura spp. 2012-10-05
39 006022 Rheodytes leukops Legler & Cann, 1980 Fitzroy River turtle 2011-03-01
39 006907 Rheodytes spp. 2012-10-05
39 006000 Chelidae chelid turtles 2011-03-01
39 020001 Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) loggerhead turtle 1998-09-17
39 020901 Caretta spp. 2012-10-05
39 020002 Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) green turtle 1998-09-17
39 020902 Chelonia spp. 2012-10-05
39 020003 Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766) hawksbill turtle 1998-09-17
39 020903 Eretmochelys spp. 2012-10-05
39 020004 Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) Olive ridley turtle 1998-09-17
39 020904 Lepidochelys spp. 2012-10-05
39 020005 Natator depressus (Garman, 1880) flatback turtle 1998-09-17 1998-09-17
39 020905 Natator spp. 2012-10-05
39 020000 Cheloniidae sea turtles 1998-09-17
39 021001 Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) leatherback turtle 1998-09-18
39 021901 Dermochelys spp. 2012-10-05
39 021000 Dermochelyidae turtles 1998-09-17
39 001001 Testudines (except fam. Testunididae) turtles 2001-05-28 2001-05-28
39 001000 Testudines - all families except Testudinidae turtles 2001-05-17 2001-05-17

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