Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200705 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 176

Operation No.: 176

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2007-07-05 15:14 to 2007-07-05 15:49 UTC

Where: 13° 13.5' S    123° 23.7' E
to 13° 13.3' S    123° 23.3' E

Maximum Depth (m): 391.9

Description: Area: Kulumburu L29 Transect name: 400

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2007-07-05 15:14 2007-07-05 15:49 392 392 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10038000 Corallistidae 6 0.597
99100379 Spongia WAM sp. SS4 1 0.106
10300000 Hexactinellida 2 52.6
11173000 Alcyonacea 1 99
11232015 Stylobates loisetteae 1 31
11290000 Scleractinia 1
19100000 Brachiopoda
20000000 Bryozoa 5 6
22000000 Polychaeta 7 3.8
23199000 Bivalvia 3 1
24207058 Calliotectum tibiaeforme 1 76
24299000 Opisthobranchia 1 1
25050002 Glyptometra crassa 2 0.01
25050003 Glyptometra inaequalis 1 0.005
25050007 Strotometra priamus 3 0.016
25170022 Ophiocreas sibogae 1 0.072
25176038 Ophiura micracantha 1 0.001
25176043 Amphiophiura turgida 8 0.004
25185014 Ophiacantha longidens 2 0.001
25185030 Ophioplinthaca pulchra 2 0.001
25185044 Ophiotreta valenciennesi 2 0.001
25185057 Ophiotreta stimulea 4 0.002
25185903 Ophiocymbium spp. 1 0.001
25191065 Amphiura sp. MoV 5516 1 0.001
25400000 Holothuroidea 2 6
25404011 Psolidium parmatus 1 1
28030000 Stomatopoda 1 1
28714015 Cryptopenaeus crosnieri 1 0.001
28770035 Plesionika ocellus 4 0.002
28837013 Paragiopagurus diogenes 1 0.015
28840168 Munida compressa 1 0.003
28840901 Munida spp. 1 1
28880974 Rochinia spp. 1 2
35000000 Ascidiacea 1 3
99100235 Halichondria WAM sp. SS7 1 0.215
99100241 Erylus WAM sp. SS2 1 1.72
99100266 Erylus WAM sp. SS3 2 0.055
99100295 Stelletta WAM sp. SS12 1 0.232
99100376 Phakellia WAM sp. SS2 1 0.04
99100377 Stelletta WAM sp. SS15 3 0.083
99100378 Pachastrella WAM sp. SS1 1 0.01
10180000 Demospongiae 2 722.9
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