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NOAA AVHRR Scenes of the New South Wales Bushfires
December 2nd 1997

The application of multiple polar-orbiting NOAA satellites enable earth observers numerous views of a region within a short time-frame. This makes them ideal for monitoring large and dynamic events such as floods, cyclones, dust-storms and bushfires.

These images of the NSW region for December 2nd 1997 were made from data received within a four hour period from the NOAA14 and NOAA12 satellites.

visible image

thermal image

The NOAA14 scene was taken at 0455 GMT or 1555 AEST and contains visible information from the AVHRR channel 1 sensor. Here the very bright pixels describe the smoke plumes which indicate the very strong westerly winds at the time.

The NOAA12 scene was taken at 0835 GMT or 1935 AEST and contains thermal information from the AVHRR channel 3 sensor.Here the very bright pixels show the actual fire fronts. Please note each pixel is ~ 1.1 Km square.

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