CSIRO Marine Research

Remote Sensing Project

Chlorophyll concentration from the ADEOS/OCTS

OCTS (Ocean Colour and Thermal Scanner) started operating on the Japanese ADEOS I satellite in November 1996 and ceased in June 1997.

An archive of level 1 data over the Australasian region is held at CSIRO Marine Research (CMR) Remote Sensing Facility. Quicklooks of each scene processed to chlorophyll can be viewed below. These were processed using SEADAS version 3 software supplied by the NASA Seawifs project at Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland U.S.A. The full resolution level 2 data (chlorophyll concentration and related products) are archived as SEADAS HDF files.

The quicklook files are named by the date and time of the overpass, eg: 19970329_0102 is 29 March at 01:02 hours GMT. The latitude/longitude grid overlay shows longitude in degrees east and so negative numbers are degrees west.

1996 images

Jan-Feb 1997 images

March-April 1997 images

May-June 1997 images

Inventory of OCTS data archived at CMR.

The Australian research initiative in Ocean Colour is coordinated by the Australian Ocean Colour Working Group under the CSIRO Earth Observation Centre.

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