North West Shelf Joint Environmental Management Study


Video: Shelf Life: exploring alternative marine futures

Coasts and oceans around Australia and across the world face mounting pressure from growing populations, increasing industrial and recreational use, and climate change.

CSIRO and its partners are developing practical tools to assist planners to navigate these challenges and sustainably manage marine ecosystems and coastal communities.

Shelf Life illustrates how such a tool can be applied, in this case through the North West Shelf Joint Environment Management Study (NSWJEMS).

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Animations & Video

<img src="animations/shelf-life-poster.gif" width="500" height="315">


Animations created during the study

All animations are Windows Media Video format (.wmv)
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Circulation models nested from global to local coastal scales [WMV, 16 secs]
Low bandwidth 144 KB
Broadband 320 KB

Modelled sealevel viewed from the northwest [WMV, 1 min 13 secs]
Low bandwidth 1.2 MB
Broadband 4.8 MB

Modelled sealevel and currents including the incursion of Tropical Cyclone Bobby [WMV, 1 min 21 secs]
Low bandwidth 2.3MB
Broadband 7.6 MB

Modelled bottom stress associated with currents and waves [WMV, 09 secs]
Low bandwidth 144 KB
Broadband 556 KB

Modelled off-shelf transport of sediments during Tropical Cyclone Bobby [WMV, 26 secs]
Low bandwidth 252 KB
Broadband 860 KB

Modelled dispersion of particles from coral reefs including the incursion of tropical Cyclone Bobby [WMV, 55 secs]
Low bandwidth 1.2 MB
Broadband 3.0 MB

Modelled plume from an outfall in Nickol Bay used in the management strategy evaluation [WMV 2 min 44 secs]
Low bandwidth 984 KB
Broadband 2.1 MB

Modelled plume from the North Rankin Platform [WMV 5 min 51 secs]
Low bandwidth 1.8 MB
Broadband 5.6 MB

Animation of satellite-based chlorophyll estimates (Courtesy of the SeaWiFS project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centre and Orbimage Inc.) [WMV 37 secs]
Low bandwidth 776 KB
Broadband 1.4 MB

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