CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 23 387000 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
CAAB category: 23 - Mollusca - non-Gastropod groups
Common Name: cockles
Distribution map:
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Occurrence locations [33] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records

Catch records - 33 records found.
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Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1997-03-01 22:17 14° 34.7' S    136° 50.0' E SS199702 235   150 0.596 Dredge 15 Minutes
1997-03-03 20:31 13° 20.4' S    136° 45.4' E SS199702 248   26 to 26 29 0.121 Dredge 20 Minutes
1997-03-07 22:25 10° 55.1' S    132° 22.5' E SS199702 286   21 to 21 5 0.019 Dredge 15 Minutes
1997-10-05 20:15 11° 01.1' S    130° 30.9' E SS199708 38   42 to 43 3 0.012 Sled 15 Minutes
1997-10-07 11:58 12° 34.4' S    136° 55.2' E SS199708 40   42 to 43 63 0.261 Sled 20 Minutes
1997-10-08 03:59 12° 42.4' S    136° 52.6' E SS199708 51   40 to 40 1 0.006 Trawl 28 Minutes
1997-10-08 08:45 12° 53.0' S    136° 52.0' E SS199708 54   47 to 47 3 0.011 Trawl 32 Minutes
1997-10-08 09:34 12° 50.7' S    136° 51.9' E SS199708 55   45 to 47 1 0.002 Trawl 32 Minutes
1997-10-12 08:54 14° 26.2' S    135° 59.7' E SS199708 133   21 to 21 1 0.002 Sled 15 Minutes
1997-10-17 07:22 14° 10.2' S    136° 12.1' E SS199708 247   21 to 22 1 0.002 Sled 15 Minutes
1997-10-18 22:10 15° 04.9' S    136° 42.4' E SS199708 272   28 to 29 3 0.018 Trawl 33 Minutes
1997-10-23 20:20 16° 18.7' S    138° 52.8' E SS199708 356   27 to 27 1 0.002 Sled 15 Minutes
1997-10-25 06:31 15° 59.3' S    139° 39.7' E SS199708 379   40 to 40 2 0.01 Trawl 30 Minutes
1997-11-02 04:01 10° 10.5' S    143° 01.7' E SS199708 515   23 to 25 1 0.001 Sled 13 Minutes
1998-10-03 15:17 13° 11.6' S    136° 45.6' E SS199803 174   28 to 28 4 0.017 Trawl 32 Minutes
1998-10-03 16:14 13° 09.8' S    136° 46.5' E SS199803 175   28 to 29 1 0.003 Trawl 30 Minutes
1998-10-03 23:03 13° 10.7' S    136° 46.9' E SS199803 185   5 0.021 Sled 15 Minutes
1998-10-04 01:05 13° 09.5' S    136° 44.0' E SS199803 190   11 0.049 Sled 15 Minutes
1998-10-04 03:05 13° 07.8' S    136° 38.7' E SS199803 194   1 0.004 Sled 14 Minutes
1998-10-04 05:12 13° 12.8' S    136° 44.9' E SS199803 198   14 0.06 Sled 15 Minutes
1998-10-04 19:06 13° 30.4' S    136° 32.7' E SS199803 224   9 0.032 Sled 10 Minutes
1998-10-04 22:21 13° 33.3' S    136° 27.7' E SS199803 237   10 0.035 Sled 12 Minutes
1998-10-05 00:00 13° 38.7' S    136° 18.9' E SS199803 263   2 0.006 Sled 0 Minutes
1998-10-05 00:41 13° 33.0' S    136° 22.1' E SS199803 250   7 0.019 Sled 15 Minutes
1998-10-07 07:11 14° 16.0' S    136° 10.4' E SS199803 345   4 0.011 Sled 15 Minutes
1998-10-07 18:45 14° 26.6' S    136° 22.6' E SS199803 356   2 0.008 Sled 6 Minutes
1998-10-08 11:11 14° 28.6' S    136° 23.9' E SS199803 377   19 to 20 1 0.167 Trawl 29 Minutes
1998-10-08 16:50 14° 25.8' S    136° 30.4' E SS199803 384   14 0.044 Sled 14 Minutes
1998-10-09 20:15 14° 08.2' S    136° 09.6' E SS199803 452   2 0.005 Sled 13 Minutes
1998-10-16 09:04 14° 27.5' S    136° 28.2' E SS199803 634   1 0.004 Sled 8 Minutes
1998-10-16 12:41 14° 28.8' S    136° 31.1' E SS199803 638   3 0.01 Trawl 29 Minutes
1998-10-16 12:41 14° 28.8' S    136° 31.1' E SS199803 638   1 0.002 Trawl 29 Minutes
1998-10-17 15:32 14° 08.6' S    136° 12.5' E SS199803 667   1 0.002 Trawl 31 Minutes

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