CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

A Skewed Meandering Plume Model



VERTICAL SNAP of PLUME from a STACK at 0.25 zi

Click to see average plume 

A meandering plume model can predict the mean concentration as well as the higher order concentration statistics that are required when addressing topics such as 'peak-to-mean' concentration ratios, odour estimates, uncertainty in air quality models, and accidental release of toxic and flammable gases.

We have developed a simple and practical meandering plume model for the prediction of concentration statistics due to a point source (stack) within the daytime convective boundary layer. There the vertical turbulence is highly inhomogeneous and positively skewed, resulting in counter-gradient concentration fluxes that cannot be satisfactorily described by standard models (e.g., by a gradient-transfer model or by a Gaussian plume model).

The meandering-plume concept was first applied by Gifford (1959) for homogeneous Gaussian turbulence conditions, assuming that the total dispersion consists of two independent parts: a meandering part and a relative-diffusion part. The fluctuations are produced solely by the meandering of the ensemble-mean instantaneous plume. Application to the convective boundary layer has not been properly attempted until now.

Our meandering plume model overcomes the problems of the skewed turbulence characteristics of the convective boundary layer. The meander component in the model is derived from a one-particle Lagrangian stochastic dispersion model by requiring that the meander and relative dispersion components correctly balance the first two total dispersion moments. Balancing of the third total moment implies a skewed relative dispersion, for which a bi-Gaussian distribution is used. The relative dispersion variance is parameterised, and the in-plume fluctuations in the relative coordinate system are accounted for via a gamma probability density function. The model reverts to the standard formulation for homogeneous Gaussian turbulent flows. It has been tested using laboratory data on the mean concentration and fluctuation intensity (see Luhar et al., 2000).

The above animation shows a sequence of 15 random realisations of an instantaneous plume as described by the skewed meandering-plume model in the vertical plane. The horizontal axis is the downwind distance scaled by u zi /w* while the vertical axis is the height scaled by zi, where u is the mean wind speed, zi is the boundary-layer height and w* is the convective velocity scale. The source is at a height of 0.25 zi. The colour of the plume in the animation is proportional to the crosswind centreline concentration; the classic looping (or meandering) pattern of the plume under convective conditions can be observed. At short distances (less than about 1.5), meandering controls the concentration fluctuation intensity, while the in-plume fluctuations dominate at larger distances. The plume descends to the ground more often than it travels upwards, suggesting a mean descent of the locus of the averaged plume, as confirmed by field and laboratory studies.


Gifford, F. A., 1959. Statistical properties of a fluctuating plume dispersion model. Advances in Geophysics 6, 117-137.

Luhar, A. K., Hibberd, M. F. and Borgas, M. S., 2000. A skewed meandering-plume model for concentration statistics in the convective boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment, 34, 3599-3616.

The code for the animator can be viewed here. For more information, e-mail: ashok.luhar@csiro.au

» Air Quality Modelling and Dispersion | © Copyright 1999 CSIRO Atmospheric Research.


Modified: May 22, 2008

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