Technical Papers List, Division of Fisheries & Oceanography
Blackburn, M. and Rayner, G. W. (1951). Pelagic fishing experiments in Australian
waters. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries. CSIRO Australia, no. 1. full
Houston, T. W. (1954). Commercial trawling tests in the Great Australian Bight, 1949-52. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries. CSIRO Australia, no. 2. full text
Blackburn, M. and Downie, R. (1955). The occurrence of oily pilchards in New South Wales waters. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries. CSIRO Australia, no. 3. full text
Weatherley, A. H. (1958). Tasmanian farm dams in relation to fish culture. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 4. full text
Dunstan, D. J. (1959). The barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in Queensland waters. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 5. full text
Jitts, H. R. (1959). Measurements of light penetration in the Tasman Sea, 1955-57. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 6. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1959). The primary external water masses of the Tasman and Coral Seas. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 7. full text
Wyrtki, K. (1960). The surface circulation in the Coral and Tasman seas. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 8. full text
Humphrey, G. F. (1960). The concentration of plankton pigments in Australian waters. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 9. full text
Newell, B. S. (1961). Hydrology of south-east Australian waters: Bass Strait and New South Wales tuna fishing area. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 10. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1961). The structure of the East Australian Current. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 11. full text
Wisely, B. and Purday, C. (1961). An algal mass-culture unit for feeding marine invertebrate larvae. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 12. full text
Thomson, J. M. (1962). The tagging and marking of marine animals in Australia. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 13. full text
Wood, E. J. F. (1963). Dinoflagellates in the Australian region. II. Recent collections. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 14. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1963). Australian tide recorders. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 15. full text
Thomson, J. M. (1963). A bibliography of systematic references to the grey mullets (Mugilidae). Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 16. full text
Wood, E. J. F. (1963). Dinoflagellates in the Australian region. III. Further collections. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 17. full text
Dyson, N., Jitts, H. R. and Scott, B. D. (1965). Techniques for measuring oceanic primary production using radioactive carbon. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 18. full text
Tranter, D. J. (1966). The Australian Clarke-Bumpus sampler and calibration tank. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 19. full text
Wisely, B. (1966). Application details and sea-trial results of an antifouling and anticorrosion system. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 20. full text
De Castillejo, F. F. (1966). Non-seasonal variations in the hydrological environment off Port Hacking, Sydney. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 21. full text
Hynd, J. S. and Robins, J. P. (1967). Tasmanian tuna survey. Report of first operational period. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 22. full text
Highley, E. (1967). Oceanic circulation patterns off the east coast of Austrolia. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 23. full text
Kesteven, G. L. and Stark, A. E. (1967). Demersal fish stocks of the Great Australian Bight as estimated from the results of operations of F.V. Southern Endeavour. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 24. full text
Kirkwood, L. F. (1967). Inorganic phosphate, organic phosphorus, and nitrate in Australian waters. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 25. full text
Hynd, J. S. (1968). Report on a survey for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre), in Queensland waters. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 26. full text
Highley, E. and Stark, A. E. (1968). The Great Australian Bight and trawling tests of F.V. Southern Endeavour. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 27. full text
Highley, E. (1968). The International Indian Ocean Expedition: Australia's contribution. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 28. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1969). Seasonal interchange of high and low salinity surface waters off south-west Australia. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 29. full text
Newell, B. S. (1971). Hydrological environment of Moreton Bay, Queensland. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 30. full text
De Szoeke, R. A., (1972). Long waves at Norfolk Island. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 31. full text
Hamon, B. V., (1972). Geopotential topographies and currents off west Australia,1965-69. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 32. full text
Rochford, D. J., (1972). Nutrient enrichment of east Australian coastal waters. 1. Evans Head upwelling. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 33. full text
Boland, F. M. (1973). Monitoring section across the east Australian current. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 34. full text
Newell, B. S. (1973). Hydrology of the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1970-71. Technical Paper. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 35. full text