Fisheries Synopses, Division of Fisheries & Oceanography
Thomson, J. M. (1963). Synopsis of biological data on the grey mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus 1758. Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 1. full text
Fraser, E. H. and Hynd, J. S. (1967). Synopsis of biological data on jack mackerel Trachurus declivis (Jenyns) 1841. Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 2. full text
Kirkegaard, I. and Walker, R. H. (1969). Synopsis of biological data on the tiger prawn Penaeus esculentus Haswell, 1879. Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 3. full text
Kirkegaard, I. and Walker, R. H. (1970). Synopsis of biological data on the rainbow prawn Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862). Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 4. full text
Kirkegaard, I. and Walker, R. H. (1970). Synopsis of biological data on the school prawn Metapenaeus macleayi (Haswell, 1870). Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 5. full text
Kirkegaard, I. and Walker, R. H. (1970). Synopsis of biological data on the greentail prawn Metapenaeus bennettae Racek and Dall, 1965. Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 6. full text
Kirkegaard, I. and Walker, R. H. (1970). Synopsis of biological data on the eastern king prawn Penaeus plebejus Hess, 1865. Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 7. full text
Kirkegaard, I., Tuma, D. J. and Walker, R. H. (1970). Synopsis of biological data on the banana prawn Penaeus merguiensis de Man, 1888. Fisheries Synopsis. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 8. full text