®LM7¯®RM75¯®PL60¯®FD72¯ ®FC¯ ®MDUL¯ALBATROSS BAY PLANKTON SAMPLES®MDNM¯ SUMMARY OF WORK AND FILES ASSEMBLED DURING PRELIMINARY ANALYSES ®FL¯ Preamble: Between 20 November and 15 December, I worked on the analyses of plankton samples from Albatross Bay. Biological and physical data from samples 316AAB through 417AAB were added to the database files established by Neil Gribble, using the dBase111 entry formats written by him. Following proof-reading and corrections to these data, calculations of volume filtered were made and added to the data files, using Neil's procedure. At this stage, a check of data entered prior to my series showed that there were numerous errors in the database, and a proof-reading of the entire database was undertaken by myself and an assistant. This check revealed a significant number of errors, of various types. These ranged from duplications (arising from mis-reading the data line on entry, or during corrections), blank records (arising from the exit routine during data entry), simple mis-entry of data, and pseudo-duplications for species of different totals (due to mis-coding of species on the original identification sheets). The database (*.dbf) files have been corrected as far as possible and backup files have been updated accordingly. The mis-coding of totals for species is the most disturbing of these errors, since absolute accuracy can be obtained only by proof-reading all the original entries on the sheets. However, effects of such mis-coding may be minimised through detection of duplicates, which are likely to occur in a large number of instances. Where duplication does not occur, mis-coding could be detected by the appearance of outliers in species which usually have large or small numbers. Where a rare species has been mis-coded as another rare species, the major effect would be on species diversity for a single sample and when samples are combined. Data were translated fom dBase111 files to Lotus 1-2-3, using the latter's translate facility. These files were used to assist in proof-reading, and for easier analysis. They offer a more readily accessible series of datasets for simple manipulation and graphic display than other more complicated programmes, and can be used directly by Quattro. Primary Files: The dBase111 files ALBBIO.DBF, ALBPHYS.DBF and ALBCODE.DBF for 1986, 1987 and 1988 respectively have been combined into a single Lotus 123 file called MAINFILE.WK1. In addition, Lotus 123 translations of ALBPHYS.DBF and ALBCODE.DBF are filed separately as PHYSDATA.WK1 and PLANCODE.WK1 respectively, for use in subsequent analyses. Data analyses are based on four files- ®IP0,13¯ MAINFILE.WK1 All taxa for all samples, as indicated above. ADULTS.WK1 All data, after copepodite and selected larval stages deleted from MAINFILE.WK1. All remaining taxa are listed in this file. COPEPODA.WK1 All copepod taxa, derived from MAINFILE.WK1. CPPWORK.WK1 All copepodite stages, derived from COPEPODA.WK1. Analyses: a) MAINFILE Analyses (files prefixed by "M" are derivatives). ®IP0,0¯ Because of the heterogenous nature of the taxa, analyses of frequency of occurrence and dominance by numbers over all or each site were not made for this dataset ®IP0,13¯ MTOTSEAS.WK1 This file provides total numbers of individuals/cruise, and mean number of individuals/site for each cruise. The mean has been included to allow fair comparison between dates, since site 5 was not sampled on cruises AB02 and AB07. The file also includes a named graph TOTSEAS showing variation in the mean number with time (recall using /Graph Name Use or Quattro equivalent). This graph is stored as SITENOS.PIC for plotting using Printgraph or the Quattro equivalent. MSITSEAS.WK1 This file provides total numbers of individuals/sample. Blanks have been inserted into two rows for plotting purposes. The extracted ASCII file MSITSEAS.PRN can be imported into SAS for 3D plotting. Order of variables: sample cruise date site number. Five graphs showing the variation of total numbers/site with time are stored as TOTSITE1.PIC through TOTSITE5.PIC. MGLEASON.WK1 Gleason Diversity indices for all taxa, expressed as (A) sample indices, means and standard deviations calculated using jacknife procedures. (B) indices for combined data by site or date prior to calculation. MSHANNON.WK1 Shannon Diversity indices for all taxa, expressed as (A) sample indices, means and standard deviations calculated using jacknife procedures. (B) indices for combined data by site or date prior to calculation. b) ADULTS Analyses (files prefixed by "A" are derivatives). The main dataset is held in file ADULTS.WK1, and a complimentary file ADCODE.WK1 lists the species names and codes. A transposed version (rows become columns) of ADULTS.WK1 is stored as ADULTRAN.WK1, from which extracts ADTRAN1.WK1 through ADTRAN5.WK1 were made for each site. ASPECDOM.WK1 Dominance overall by frequency of occurrence and total numbers of species over all samples (n = 128). The file includes % freq. of occurrence, % total numbers and cumulative % total numbers fro all samples, and is stored in decreasing order of total abundance. A plot of decreasing % freq. of occurrence, with corresponding values for cumulative % total numbers is named (CUM%FROC) on the file and saved as CUM%FROC.PIC. AF_OC1_5.WK1 Frequency of occurrence, and % freq. of occurrence of species by site, in species code order. An ASCII file version (AF_OC1_5.PRN) is appropriate for a 3D plot of frequency by species and site (missing values are represented by "."); the three variables are, in order: site species_code frequency. A%FOC1.WK1 through A%FOC5.WK1 are files of % freq. of occurrence by species, sorted in descending order, for sites 1 through 5. ASTATS-1.WK1 through ASTATS-5.WK1 list total, mean and standard deviation of numbers for each species at each site. ATOTNOS.WK1 lists total abundance for each sample (n = 128), and total and mean number per cruise. The derived file ATOTPLOT.PRN is provided in case modifications are required to its ASCII version ATOTPLOT.PRN, which is suitable for import into SAS for a 3D plot of abundance by site through time; order of variables: date site number. An additional code (6) has been given in this file to the mean number of individuals for each cruise (ie sites combined/5). Two graph files ATOTSITE.PIC and ATOTSEAS.PIC........... AGLEASON.WK1 Gleason Diversity indices for all taxa, expressed as (A) sample indices, means and standard deviations calculated using jacknife procedures. (B) indices for combined data by site or date prior to calculation. ASHANNON.WK1 Shannon Diversity indices for all taxa, expressed as (A) sample indices, means and standard deviations calculated using jacknife procedures. (B) indices for combined data by site or date prior to calculation. ADIVERS.PRN This ASCII file provides values for Gleason and Shannon Diversity Indices in a suitable form for use by SAS in 3D plots; variables in order are: cruise date time site species_freq number_of_individuals gleason shannon. c). COPEPODA.WK1 analyses (files prefixed by "C" are derivatives). The main dataset is held in the file COPEPODA.WK1, and a complimentary file COPTAXA.WK1 lists the names and codes of species or taxa in the main file. COPTRAN1.wk1 through COPTRAN5.WK1 provide transposed versions of data for each site from COPEPODA.WK1. CSTSIT1.WK1 through CSTSIT5.WK1 provide data on frequency of occurrence and total numbers of species for each site. Also included are % freq of occurrence, % total numbers, cumulative % total, mean, minimum, maximum, and st deviation of totals for each species. Each of these files is sorted in order descending order of freq of occurrence and secondarily on % total. When in this form, a named graph CUM%FREQ showing the relationship between freq of occurrence and cum % total can be recalled using /Graph Name Use or its Quattro equivalent. These files have been saved with the Manual Recalculation option in operation. Therefore if re-sorting is carried out, either remove it by selecting/Worksheet Global Recalculation Automatic, or press F9 to recalulate the worksheet after sorting. COPSTATS.WK1 lists total numbers of each taxon by site for all cruises CTOTPLOT.WK1 contains the species frequencies and total numbers/sample, from which the ASCII file CTOTPLOT.PRN has been taken. The latter is in a suitable form for 3D plots in SAS; order of variables: date time species_freq total number site. CGLEASON.WK1 Gleason Diversity indices for all taxa, expressed as (A) sample indices, means and standard deviations calculated using jacknife procedures. (B) indices for combined data by site or date prior to calculation. CSHANNON.WK1 Shannon Diversity indices for all taxa, expressed as (A) sample indices, means and standard deviations calculated using jacknife procedures. (B) indices for combined data by site or date prior to calculation. CDIVERS.PRN This ASCII file provides values for Gleason and Shannon Diversity Indices in a suitable form for use by SAS in 3D plots; variables in order are: date site gleason shannon CPPWORK.WK1 contains data for copepodite stages extracted from COPEPODA.WK1, for a preliminary view of breeding seasonality and so forth. CPPSTATS.WK1 provides total number and number of species of copoepodites for each station. CPPSTATS.PRN is the ASCII equivalent for use in SAS. Order of variables: date total_number species_frequency site. DISC.TXT Directory of all files according to disc number. REPORT.TXT ASCII text of this report. Graham J B Ross 4 January 1990