Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - AU199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 8

When: 1991-10-08 20:47 to 1991-10-08 23:04 UTC

Where: 45° 11.0' S    145° 43.2' E
to 45° 11.1' S    145° 44.3' E

Maximum Depth (m): 2866

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
24 297.6 274.80 34.723 12.50 1.09 3.80
23 395.4 264.20 34.687 14.10 1.19 4.30
22 496.6 252.40 34.608 17.30 1.42 5.90
21 597.7 233.10 34.538 20.90 1.60 9.10
20 695.3 217.30 34.506
19 796.5 201.20 34.479 26.10 1.95 18.60
18 897.4 196.00 34.440 28.50 2.11 26.00
17 999.5 192.90 34.425 30.20 2.24 33.70
16 1096.8 189.40 34.423 31.90 2.36 44.30
15 1197.5 183.40 34.442 33.00 2.46 53.60
14 1296.6 178.20 34.469 33.90 2.53 60.80
13 1395.1 174.80 34.494 34.40 2.57 67.40
12 1493.9 171.90 34.526 34.40 2.57 72.20
11 1593 170.70 34.569 34.60 2.58 75.60
10 1694.8 171.30 34.607 34.30 2.55 77.40
9 1794.8 173.60 34.641 33.90 2.52 82.50
8 2000.3 179.40 34.677 33.40 2.48 85.30
7 2196.2 179.70 34.704 32.90 2.45 89.10
6 2396.7 181.40 34.717 32.80 2.45 95.40
5 2595.3 185.10 34.730 32.60 2.44 101.70
4 2750.4 187.70 34.737 32.60 2.43 104.70
3 2861.7 189.70 34.736 32.60 2.44 107.60
1 2861.7 190.90 34.733 32.70 2.44 107.60
2 2861.7 190.30 34.735 32.70 2.43
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