Data Trawler - Dataset download

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Dataset download

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Survey Name: IN2016_V01 [survey details]

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Data type: Underway
Time (UTC): 2016-01-08 05:01 to 2016-02-26 20:02
Latitude: -32.05
Longitude: 115.74
Track length: 7100.356 km
Locations: 857,584
Measurements: 54,885,376
Completeness and Data Quality: Standard Underway data is continuously recorded, consisting of: (1) Navigation data (NAV): Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Heading, Course over Ground, Gryros, and Doppler Log (dual GPS instrument). (2) Thermosalinograph (TSG): Water Salinity, Flow-Rate, Temperature, Fluorescence, pCO2 and Optode/Oxygen. (3) Atmospheric (Met): Humidity, Wind Speed and Direction (vane and ultrasonic), Radiometer/Sea Surface Temperature, Pyranometer/Solar Radiation, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), Air Temperature, Air Pressure, Rain, Ozone and Trace Gases (port and starboard instruments). Data are recorded at 5 second intervals. Near real-time data is available via the link “Visualisation tool for Underway data”. This dataset has been processed and archived within CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Data is available at time intervals of 5 sec (NetCDF format), 10 sec and 5 min (ASCII format). Additional information regarding this dataset if contained in the Voyage Summary Report and/or the Data Processing Report for this voyage.
Metadata: RV Investigator Voyage IN2016_V01 Underway UWY Data [link]   



Data options: Include the list of instruments used to collect this data. This will appear in the 'readme' file or in an instruments,csv file
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