CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Ophiotrichidae (brittlestars)

Found 88 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
25 192000 Ophiotrichidae brittlestars
25 192902 Gymnolophus spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192903 Lissophiothrix spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192904 Macrophiothrix spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192905 Ophiocnemis spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192906 Ophiogymna spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192907 Ophiomaza spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192908 Ophiophthirius spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192909 Ophiopsammium spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192910 Ophiopteron spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192911 Ophiothela spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192901 Ophiothrix spp. [a brittlestar]
25 192003 Gymnolophus obscura [a brittlestar]
25 192004 Lissophiothrix delicata [a brittlestar]
25 192059 Macrophiothrix albolineata [a brittlestar]
25 192060 Macrophiothrix albostriata [a brittlestar]
25 192005 Macrophiothrix belli [a brittlestar]
25 192067 Macrophiothrix caenosa [a brittlestar]
25 192006 Macrophiothrix callizona [a brittlestar]
25 192007 Macrophiothrix capillaris [a brittlestar]
25 192008 Macrophiothrix demessa [a brittlestar]
25 192054 Macrophiothrix hymenacantha [a brittlestar]
25 192009 Macrophiothrix koehleri [a brittlestar]
25 192010 Macrophiothrix lampra [a brittlestar]
25 192011 Macrophiothrix leucosticha [a brittlestar]
25 192061 Macrophiothrix lineocaerulea [a brittlestar]
25 192012 Macrophiothrix longipeda [a brittlestar]
25 192013 Macrophiothrix lorioli [a brittlestar]
25 192075 Macrophiothrix martensi australis [a brittlestar]
25 192055 Macrophiothrix martensi martensi [a brittlestar]
25 192014 Macrophiothrix megapoma [a brittlestar]
25 192062 Macrophiothrix melanosticta [a brittlestar]
25 192015 Macrophiothrix michaelseni [a brittlestar]
25 192056 Macrophiothrix nereidina [a brittlestar]
25 192016 Macrophiothrix nobilis [a brittlestar]
25 192017 Macrophiothrix obtusa [a brittlestar]
25 192073 Macrophiothrix oliveri [a brittlestar]
25 192018 Macrophiothrix paucispina [a brittlestar]
25 192019 Macrophiothrix propinqua [a brittlestar]
25 192057 Macrophiothrix pulchra [a brittlestar]
25 192020 Macrophiothrix rhabdota [a brittlestar]
25 192021 Macrophiothrix robillardi [a brittlestar]
25 192058 Macrophiothrix smaragdina [a brittlestar]
25 192063 Macrophiothrix spongicola [a brittlestar]
25 192064 Macrophiothrix striolata [a brittlestar]
25 192022 Macrophiothrix variabilis [a brittlestar]
25 192076 Macrophiothrix vicina [a brittlestar]
25 192065 Macrophiothrix virgata [a brittlestar]
25 192023 Ophiocnemis marmorata [a brittlestar]
25 192024 Ophiogymna elegans [a brittlestar]
25 192068 Ophiogymna funesta [a brittlestar]
25 192025 Ophiogymna lineata [a brittlestar]
25 192026 Ophiogymna pellicula [a brittlestar]
25 192027 Ophiogymna pulchella [a brittlestar]
25 192028 Ophiomaza cacaotica [a brittlestar]
25 192029 Ophiomaza cataphracta [a brittlestar]
25 192030 Ophiophthirius actinometrae [a brittlestar]
25 192031 Ophiopsammium semperi [a brittlestar]
25 192032 Ophiopteron elegans [a brittlestar]
25 192033 Ophiothela mirabilis [a brittlestar]
25 192034 Ophiothela venusta [a brittlestar]
25 192069 Ophiothrix accedens [a brittlestar]
25 192001 Ophiothrix aristulata [a brittlestar]
25 192047 Ophiothrix armata [a brittlestar]
25 192002 Ophiothrix caespitosa [a brittle-star]
25 192036 Ophiothrix ciliaris [a brittlestar]
25 192037 Ophiothrix crassispina [a brittlestar]
25 192074 Ophiothrix deceptor [a brittlestar]
25 192038 Ophiothrix dyscrita [a brittlestar]
25 192039 Ophiothrix elegans [a brittlestar]
25 192040 Ophiothrix exigua [a brittlestar]
25 192041 Ophiothrix foveolata [a brittlestar]
25 192048 Ophiothrix lepidus [a brittlestar]
25 192042 Ophiothrix liodisca [a brittlestar]
25 192044 Ophiothrix miles [a brittlestar]
25 192049 Ophiothrix picteti [a brittlestar]
25 192045 Ophiothrix plana [a brittlestar]
25 192050 Ophiothrix proteus [a brittlestar]
25 192051 Ophiothrix purpurea [a brittlestar]
25 192066 Ophiothrix pusilla [a brittlestar]
25 192046 Ophiothrix trilineata [a brittlestar]
25 192052 Ophiothrix vigelandi [a brittlestar]
25 192053 Ophiothrix viridialba [a brittlestar]
25 192072 Ophiothrix vitrea [a brittlestar]
25 192071 Ophiothrix sp. MoV 5502 [a brittlestar]
25 192070 Ophiothrix sp. MoV 5727 [a brittlestar]
99 250021 Ophiothrix sp. (like caespitosa) [a brittle-star]
99 250022 Ophiothrix sp. 1 [a brittle-star]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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