CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Ophiuridae (brittlestars)

Found 45 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
25 176951 Ophiuridae brittlestars
25 176906 Haplophiura spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176933 Ophiambix spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176907 Ophiocrossota spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176908 Ophiocten spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176910 Ophiomastus spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176913 Ophionotus spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176902 Ophiura spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176924 Ophiuraster spp. [a brittlestar]
25 176015 Haplophiura gymnopora [a brittlestar]
25 176143 Ophiambix aculeatus [a brittlestar]
25 176144 Ophiambix epicopus [a brittlestar]
25 176016 Ophiocrossota multispina [a brittlestar]
25 176107 Ophiocten amitinum [a brittlestar]
25 176133 Ophiocten australis [a brittlestar]
25 176095 Ophiocten banzarei [a brittlestar]
25 176112 Ophiocten cryptum [a brittlestar]
25 176004 Ophiocten hastatum [a brittlestar]
25 176102 Ophiocten megaloplax [a brittlestar]
25 176068 Ophiocten sp. MoV 5674 [a brittlestar]
25 176053 Ophiomastus meridionalis [a brittlestar]
25 176022 Ophiomastus tegulitius [a brittlestar]
25 176087 Ophiomastus sp. MoV 5503 [a brittlestar]
25 176047 Ophionotus hexactis [a brittlestar]
25 176145 Ophionotus taylori [a brittlestar]
25 176048 Ophionotus victoriae [a brittlestar]
25 176064 Ophiura aequalis [a brittlestar]
25 176002 Ophiura clemens [a brittlestar]
25 176052 Ophiura crassa [a brittlestar]
25 176001 Ophiura flagellata [a brittlestar]
25 176094 Ophiura fluctuans [a brittlestar]
25 176088 Ophiura lanceolata [a brittlestar]
25 176038 Ophiura micracantha [a brittlestar]
25 176039 Ophiura ooplax [a brittlestar]
25 176040 Ophiura palliata [a brittlestar]
25 176097 Ophiura spinicantha [a brittlestar]
25 176058 Ophiura sp. MoV 2728 [a brittlestar]
25 176084 Ophiura sp. MoV 2734 [a brittlestar]
25 176091 Ophiura sp. MoV 4545 [a brittle star]
25 176072 Ophiura sp. MoV 5513 [a brittlestar]
25 176125 Ophiura sp. MoV 7067 [a brittlestar]
25 176098 Ophiuraster symmetricus [a brittlestar]
25 176059 Ophiuridae sp. MoV 2733 [a brittlestar]
25 176085 Ophiuridae sp. MoV 5506 [a brittlestar]
99 250259 Ophiura sp. [a brittlestar]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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