CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 26 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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Plantaex (kingdom)   Rhodophyta (phylum)   Florideophyceae (class)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
55 056009 Betaphycus speciosus (Sonder) Doty ex P.C.Silva, 1996 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056902 Betaphycus spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056003 Eucheuma arnoldii Weber-van Bosse, 1928 [a red alga] 2001-01-19 2019-03-08
55 056021 Eucheuma crassum Zanardini, 1878 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056004 Eucheuma denticulatum (N.L.Burman) Collins & Hervey, 1917 [a red alga] 2001-01-19 2019-03-08
55 056032 Eucheuma isiforme (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, 1847 [a red alga] 2002-01-08 2019-03-08
55 056022 Eucheuma serra (J.Agardh) J.Agardh, 1847 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056905 Eucheuma spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056005 Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P.C. Silva, 1996 [a red alga] 2001-01-19 2019-03-08
55 056906 Kappaphycus spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056023 Melanema dumosum (Harvey) Min-Thein & Womersley, 1976 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056907 Melanema spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056024 Meristotheca papulosa (Montagne) J. Agardh, 1872 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056908 Meristotheca spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056025 Placentophora colensoi (J.D. Hooker & Harvey) Kraft, 1976 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056909 Placentophora spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056029 Sarconema filiforme (Sonder) Kylin, 1932 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056911 Sarconema spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056030 Solieria filiformis (Kützing) Gabrielson, 1985 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056002 Solieria robusta (Greville) Kylin, 1930 [a red alga] 2000-08-02 2019-03-08
55 056912 Solieria spp. SOLIERIA SOLIERIA 2012-10-05 2020-04-27
55 056031 Tikvahiella candida Kraft & Gabrielson, 1983 [a red alga] 2001-08-24 2019-03-08
55 056913 Tikvahiella spp. [a red alga] 2012-10-05 2019-03-08
55 056922 Solieriaceae red algae 2019-04-15
55 056914 Betaphycus, Eucheuma & Kappaphycus spp. JELLYWEED JELLYWEED 2019-04-15 2022-07-05
55 056000 Areschougiaceae, Solieriaceae red algae 2000-08-02 2019-03-08

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