CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 255 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

Restricted to:

Animalia (kingdom)   Mollusca (phylum)   Bivalvia (class)   Anomalodesmata (order)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
23 415003 Dacosta australis (G.B. Sowerby I, 1829) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415902 Dacosta spp. [a watering pot shell] 2012-10-05 2013-07-29
23 415001 Dianadema multangularis (Tate, 1887) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415002 Dianadema torresi (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415903 Dianadema spp. 2012-10-05
23 415911 Clavagellidae watering pot shells 2013-08-15
23 423001 Cleidothaerus albidus (Lamarck, 1819) [a rock shell] 2000-08-01 2013-08-01
23 423002 Cleidothaerus pliciferus (Odhner, 1917) [a rock shell] 2000-08-01 2013-08-01
23 423901 Cleidothaerus spp. [a rock shell] 2012-10-05 2014-10-13
23 423000 Cleidothaeridae rock shells 2000-08-01
23 435034 Austroneaera brevirostris Powell, 1937 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-03-26
23 435037 Austroneaera brooki Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-03-26
23 435016 Austroneaera dorsirecta (Verco, 1908) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435035 Austroneaera finlayi Powell, 1937 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-03-26
23 435036 Austroneaera raoulensis Powell, 1958 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-03-26
23 435038 Austroneaera tangaroa Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-03-26
23 435909 Austroneaera spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-13
23 435912 Bathyneaera spp. [a bivalve] 2018-02-20
23 435020 Cardiomya alveata (Hedley, 1907) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435049 Cardiomya bruuni Dell, 1956 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435022 Cardiomya fallax (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435050 Cardiomya fragilissima (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435023 Cardiomya levifrons (Cotton, 1930) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435021 Cardiomya pinna (Verco, 1908) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435051 Cardiomya rectimarginata Dell, 1962 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435901 Cardiomya spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2014-10-13
23 435005 Cuspidaria angasi (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435039 Cuspidaria concentrica Thiele, 1912 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435040 Cuspidaria delli Knudsen, 1970 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435006 Cuspidaria elegans (Hinds, 1843) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435001 Cuspidaria erma Cotton, 1931 [a bivalve] 2001-01-16 2013-08-05
23 435007 Cuspidaria exarata Verco, 1908 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435041 Cuspidaria fairchildi Suter, 1908 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435013 Cuspidaria gigantea Prashad, 1932 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435008 Cuspidaria halei Cotton & Godfrey, 1938 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435014 Cuspidaria hindsiana (A. Adams, 1864) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435026 Cuspidaria infelix Thiele, 1912 [a bivalve] 2004-04-06 2015-08-10
23 435042 Cuspidaria kerguelensis (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2015-08-10
23 435009 Cuspidaria latesulcata (Tenison Woods, 1878) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435004 Cuspidaria meridionalis (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435043 Cuspidaria minima (Egorova, 1993) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435044 Cuspidaria morelandi Dell, 1956 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435045 Cuspidaria morioria Dell, 1956 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435012 Cuspidaria nobilis (A. Adams, 1864) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435010 Cuspidaria occidua Cotton, 1931 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435027 Cuspidaria tenella E.A. Smith, 1907 [a bivalve] 2004-04-06 2013-08-05
23 435054 Cuspidaria trailli (Hutton, 1873) [a bivalve] 2015-03-16
23 435011 Cuspidaria truncata Hedley, 1905 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435046 Cuspidaria tuhua Dell, 1962 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435047 Cuspidaria willetti Fleming, 1948 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435902 Cuspidaria spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2014-10-13
23 435024 Myonera dautzenbergi Prashad, 1932 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435056 Myonera paucistriata Dall, 1886 [a bivalve] 2017-01-18
23 435048 Myonera tasmanica (Knudsen, 1970) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435904 Myonera spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2014-10-13
23 435052 Octoporia rugosa Krylova, 1994 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435053 Octoporia sinuosa Krylova, 1994 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435911 Octoporia spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435018 Plectodon brazieri (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435029 Plectodon lepidus Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435030 Plectodon pruinosus Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435031 Plectodon regalis Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435907 Plectodon spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-13
23 435028 Pseudogrippina wanganellica Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-03-26
23 435906 Pseudogrippina spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-13
23 435003 Pseudoneaera trigonalis (Tate, 1897) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435055 Pseudoneaera wellmani (Fleming, 1948) [a bivalve] 2015-03-16
23 435905 Pseudoneaera spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2014-10-13
23 435025 Rengea caduca (E.A. Smith, 1894) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435910 Rengea spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435015 Rhinoclama alta (Verco, 1908) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435032 Rhinoclama aupouria (Dell, 1950) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435017 Rhinoclama simulans (Tate, 1897) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435002 Rhinoclama tasmanica (Tenison Woods, 1876) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-05
23 435033 Rhinoclama trailli (Hutton, 1873) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 435908 Rhinoclama spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-13
23 435000 Cuspidariidae bivalves 2000-05-08 2000-08-03
23 427002 Euciroa crassa Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 427003 Euciroa galatheae (Dell, 1956) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 427006 Euciroa granifera (Cotton, 1931) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 427004 Euciroa lamprelli Huber, 2010 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 427001 Euciroa queenslandica Lamprell & Healy, 1997 [a bivalve] 2002-06-27 2013-08-01
23 427005 Euciroa rostrata Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 427901 Euciroa spp. 2012-10-05
23 427000 Euciroidae [a bivalve] 2002-06-27 2013-08-01
23 412002 Laternula anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 412009 Laternula argentea Reeve, 1863 [a lantern shell] 2013-08-15
23 412006 Laternula attenuata Reeve, 1863 [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 412005 Laternula creccina (Reeve, 1860) [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2015-07-29
23 412010 Laternula elliptica (King & Broderip, 1832) [a lantern shell] 2013-08-15
23 412008 Laternula faba (Reeve, 1863) [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 412007 Laternula gracilis (Reeve, 1860) [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2015-09-14
23 412003 Laternula laterna (Lamarck, 1818) [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 412001 Laternula recta (Reeve, 1863) [a lantern clam] 2000-07-20 2013-07-29
23 412011 Laternula tasmanica (Reeve, 1863) [a lantern shell] 2013-08-15
23 412012 Laternula vagina (Reeve, 1863) [a lantern shell] 2013-08-15
23 412004 Laternula valenciennesii (Reeve, 1863) [a lantern clam] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 412901 Laternula spp. 2012-10-05
23 412000 Laternulidae lantern clams 2000-07-20 2000-08-03
23 426005 Allogramma oahuense (Dall, 1913) [a bivalve] 2019-09-05
23 426903 Allogramma spp. [a bivalve] 2017-01-18
23 426003 Lyonsiella aotearoa Dell, 1995 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 426001 Lyonsiella formosa (Jeffreys, 1881) [a bivalve] 2008-08-22 2013-08-05
23 426004 Lyonsiella quadrata Hedley, 1907 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 426902 Lyonsiella spp. 2012-10-05
23 426904 Policordia spp. [a bivalve] 2017-01-18
23 426000 Lyonsiellidae bivalves 2008-08-22
23 420003 Entodesma navicula (Adams & Reeve, 1850) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 420902 Entodesma spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 420001 Lyonsia arcaeformis von Martens, 1885 [a bivalve] 2004-04-06 2015-08-10
23 420002 Lyonsia teramachii (Habe, 1952) [a bivalve] 2013-08-05 2013-08-05
23 420901 Lyonsia spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2013-08-05
23 420000 Lyonsiidae bivalves 2008-08-22
23 422020 Hunkydora australica (Reeve, 1859) [a bivalve] 2013-08-01 2013-08-01
23 422022 Hunkydora novozelandica (Reeve, 1859) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 422023 Hunkydora rakiura Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 422904 Hunkydora spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 422011 Myadora albida Tenison Woods, 1875 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-05-18
23 422017 Myadora antipodum E.A. Smith, 1881 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422029 Myadora boltoni E.A. Smith, 1881 [a bivalve] 2014-04-10 2014-10-16
23 422001 Myadora brevis (G.B. Sowerby I, 1927) [a bivalve] 2000-07-20 2013-08-01
23 422007 Myadora complexa Iredale, 1924 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422018 Myadora crassa (Stutchbury, 1830) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422030 Myadora novaezelandiae E.A. Smith, 1881 [a bivalve] 2014-04-10 2014-10-16
23 422006 Myadora ovata Reeve, 1844 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422012 Myadora pandoriformis (Stutchbury, 1830) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422016 Myadora pulleinei Hedley, 1906 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422008 Myadora rotundata G. B. Sowerby III, 1875 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-08-19
23 422013 Myadora royana Iredale, 1924 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422031 Myadora striata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) [a bivalve] 2014-04-10 2014-10-16
23 422032 Myadora subrostrata E.A. Smith, 1881 [a bivalve] 2014-04-10 2014-10-16
23 422014 Myadora tessera Hedley, 1912 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422005 Myadora trigona Reeve, 1844 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422901 Myadora spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2017-07-31
23 422010 Myadoropsis elongata (May, 1915) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422021 Myadoropsis wairua Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 422903 Myadoropsis spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 422002 Myochama anomoides Stutchbury, 1830 [a bivalve] 2001-05-25 2015-05-18
23 422003 Myochama strangei A. Adams, 1852 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 422004 Myochama tasmanica (Tenison Woods, 1877) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 422024 Myochama transversa A. Adams, 1850 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 422902 Myochama spp. 2012-10-05
23 422000 Myochamidae bivalves 2000-07-20 2000-08-03
23 421002 Frenamya patula (Tate, 1889) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 421902 Frenamya spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 421001 Pandora aversa (Hedley, 1913) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2014-11-17
23 421901 Pandora spp. 2012-10-05
23 421000 Pandoridae bivalves 2001-09-18
23 407002 Panacca tasmanica (Hedley & May, 1914) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 407902 Panacca spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 407001 Parilimya haddoni Melvill & Standen, 1899 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 407003 Parilimya maoria (Dell, 1963) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 407004 Parilimya neozelanica (Suter, 1914) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 407901 Parilimya spp. 2012-10-05
23 407000 Parilimyidae bivalves 2001-09-18
23 415005 Brechites australis (Chenu, 1843) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415901 Brechites spp. [a watering pot shell] 2012-10-05 2013-07-29
23 415007 Foegia novaezelandiae (Bruguière, 1789) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415904 Foegia spp. [a watering pot shell] 2013-08-15
23 415004 Humphreyia strangei (A. Adams, 1854) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415906 Humphreyia spp. [a watering pot shell] 2013-08-15
23 415008 Kendrickiana veitchi (B.J. Smith, 1971) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415907 Kendrickiana spp. [a watering pot shell] 2013-08-15
23 415006 Verpa philippinensis (Chenu, 1843) [a watering pot shell] 2001-09-18 2013-07-29
23 415905 Verpa spp. [a watering pot shell] 2013-08-15
23 415912 Penicillidae watering pot shells 2013-08-15
23 411001 Offadesma angasi (Crosse & Fischer, 1868) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-07-29
23 411901 Offadesma spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2013-08-01
23 411002 Pendaloma micans (Hedley, 1901) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 411902 Pendaloma spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 411000 Periplomatidae bivalves 2001-09-18
23 430006 Cetomya butoni (Prashad, 1932) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 430904 Cetomya spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 430009 Dilemma inexpectatum (Crozier, 1966) [a bivalve] 2011-04-29 2021-04-20
23 430902 Dilemma spp. 2012-10-05 2021-04-20
23 430003 Poromya australis E.A. Smith, 1885 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 430011 Poromya granifera (Cotton, 1931) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 430001 Poromya illevis Hedley, 1913 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 430002 Poromya laevis E.A. Smith, 1885 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 430012 Poromya microsculpta Dell, 1995 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 430013 Poromya neozelanica (Dell, 1956) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 430010 Poromya spinosula Thiele, 1912 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2015-08-10
23 430005 Poromya undosa Hedley & Petterd, 1906 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 430903 Poromya spp. 2012-10-05
23 430000 Poromyidae bivalves 2001-09-18
23 434001 Multitentacula venusta Krylova, 1995 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 434901 Multitentacula spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 434000 Protocuspidariidae bivalves 2013-08-15
23 436002 Grippina acherontis Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436001 Grippina aupouria (Powell, 1937) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436003 Grippina globosa Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436004 Grippina pumila Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436005 Grippina punctata Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436006 Grippina rex Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436007 Grippina spirata Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436901 Grippina spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 436000 Spheniopsidae bivalves 2013-08-15
23 410023 Asthenothaerus maxwelli Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410905 Asthenothaerus spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410024 Barythaerus biconvexus (Powell, 1927) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410025 Barythaerus cuneatus (Powell, 1937) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410906 Barythaerus spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410031 Cyathodonta granulosa (Adams & Reeve, 1850) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410909 Cyathodonta spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410027 Parvithracia ampla Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410029 Parvithracia fragilissima Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410028 Parvithracia melchior Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410026 Parvithracia suteri Finlay, 1927 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410907 Parvithracia spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410002 Phragmorisma watsoni (E.A. Smith, 1885) [a bivalve] 2001-05-25 2013-08-01
23 410901 Phragmorisma spp. 2012-10-05
23 410005 Thracia angasiana E.A. Smith, 1876 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410011 Thracia concentrica Verco, 1907 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410006 Thracia imperfecta (Lamarck, 1818) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410010 Thracia lincolnensis Verco, 1907 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-05-18
23 410020 Thracia meridionalis E.A. Smith, 1885 [a bivalve] 2004-04-06 2015-08-10
23 410003 Thracia modesta Angas, 1867 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410009 Thracia myodoroides E.A. Smith, 1885 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-05-18
23 410007 Thracia speciosa Angas, 1869 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-08-03
23 410013 Thracia stutchburyi Huber, 2010 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410021 Thracia vegrandis Marshall & Murdoch, 1919 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410022 Thracia vitrea (Hutton, 1873) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 410902 Thracia spp. 2012-10-05
23 410008 Thracidentula anatinoides (Reeve, 1859) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410910 Thracidentula spp. [a bivalve] 2018-02-20
23 410014 Thracidora arenosa (Hedley, 1904) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410903 Thracidora spp. 2012-10-05
23 410016 Thraciopsis angustata (Angas, 1868) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410017 Thraciopsis elongata (Stutchbury, 1830) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2015-05-18
23 410015 Thraciopsis peroniana Iredale, 1924 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410018 Thraciopsis subrecta Cotton & Godfrey, 1938 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 410904 Thraciopsis spp. 2012-10-05
23 410030 Trigonothracia mimica Marshall, 2002 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410908 Trigonothracia spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 410000 Thraciidae bivalves 2001-01-17 2001-01-17
23 425011 Halicardia maoria Dell, 1978 [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 425905 Halicardia spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 425007 Haliris accessa (Iredale, 1930) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425006 Haliris jaffaensis Cotton & Godfrey, 1938 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425012 Haliris setosa (Hedley, 1907) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2014-10-16
23 425901 Haliris spp. 2012-10-05
23 425013 Spinosipella costeminens (Poutiers, 1981) [a bivalve] 2015-03-16
23 425009 Spinosipella deshayesiana (Fischer, 1862) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15 2017-01-04
23 425902 Spinosipella spp. [a bivalve] 2012-10-05 2014-11-17
23 425005 Vertambitus torridus (Hedley, 1906) [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425010 Vertambitus vadosus (Hedley, 1907) [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 425903 Vertambitus spp. 2012-10-05
23 425002 Verticordia australiensis E.A. Smith, 1885 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425003 Verticordia bordaensis Cotton & Godfrey, 1938 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425004 Verticordia tasmanica May, 1915 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425904 Verticordia spp. 2012-10-05
23 425008 Vertisphaera cambrica Iredale, 1930 [a bivalve] 2001-09-18 2013-08-01
23 425906 Vertisphaera spp. [a bivalve] 2013-08-15
23 425000 Verticordiidae bivalves 2000-09-28 2000-09-28
23 415000 Clavagellidae, Penicillidae watering pot shells 2000-08-03 2013-07-29

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