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Data Assimilation in a limited-area ocean model


Introduction ● Method ●  Results


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Oke, P. R., and M. Herzfeld, 2009: Ensemble data assimilation in a relocatable ocean model, in preparation.

Oke, P. R., G. B. Brassington, D. A. Griffin and A. Schiller, 2008: The Bluelink Ocean Data Assimilation System (BODAS), Ocean Modelling, 21, 46-70, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2007.11.002.

Oke, P. R., A. Schiller, G. A. Griffin, G. B. Brassington 2005: Ensemble data assimilation for an eddy-resolving ocean model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 131, 3301-3311.



A relocatable ocean atmosphere model (ROAM) has been developed under the Bluelink project. This system is intended to be used by both expert and non-expert users, for rapid configuration and execution of ocean forecasts and hindcasts in any region of the world’s oceans.


The goal of this study is to improve the performance of the ocean component of ROAM, in terms of its forecast skill, through data assimilation.



Integration of a limited-area ocean model (here, SHOC; Herzfeld 2009) usually uses fields a global eddy-resolving model to prescribe the initial conditions and boundary fields, for incorporation into the model’s open boundary conditions.


An ensemble data assimilation system (Oke et al. 2008; link) has been developed under the Bluelink project. This system uses a static ensemble of model anomalies to implicitly represent the background error covariances used for assimilation. Rather than constructing, or integrating, a new ensemble for every regional application, we use the same 1/10 degree resolution global ensemble used by a global model. We also use fields from the global model as background fields, and assimilate observations directly into those fields. We then simply use the new analysis fields, for the region of interest, that represent a combination of the global model fields and local observations, and initialise and run the regional model in the usual way.


Typically, the global model has already assimilated the available ocean observations, so what is to be gained by assimilating again? For computational efficiency, it is necessary to “super-ob” the observations when assimilating into the global model. This involves using only a sub-set of the available observations, and often spatial averaging of the observations prior to assimilation (yielding “super-obs”). Because of the limited area, it becomes feasible to improve the global model’s fields by assimilating more observations, and by assimilating more frequently.



Three domains have been considered here. This includes two regions that are primarily remotely forced, by large-scale currents, and one region that is strongly locally forced, by winds. These regions are:

-         North-West Cape,

-         South-Eastern Australia, and

-         Bonney Coast.

click on the images below for better resolution [~ 1.1M each]

North-West Cape:


Maps of SST from different products for day 5 of each forecast.

Anomaly correlation (top) and root-mean-squared difference (bottom; relative to AVHRR observations) of each project, averaged over 8 independent forecast cycles. The x-axis is lead time, so 2 is day 2 of each forecast; time < 0 corresponds to the 4-day initialisation period. In the panel title, n is the number of forecast cycles and p is the average number of raw observation used for this assessment for each day.

Maps of sub-surface temperature at 22S from different products for day 5 of each forecast.

Bonney Coast


Maps of SST from different products for day 5 of each forecast.

Anomaly correlation (top) and root-mean-squared difference (bottom; relative to AVHRR observations) of each project, averaged over 8 independent forecast cycles. The x-axis is lead time, so 2 is day 2 of each forecast; time < 0 corresponds to the 4-day initialisation period. In the panel title, n is the number of forecast cycles and p is the average number of raw observation used for this assessment for each day.

Maps of sub-surface temperature at 140E from different products for day 5 of each forecast.









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