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GODAE OceanView Observing System Evaluation Task Team Webpage

Co-Chairs: Dr Peter R. Oke & Dr. Gilles Larnicol


OSEval-TT mission ** OSEval-TT membership ** Observing System Events

Methods ** Publications


>>>> Download OSEval-TT Work Plan here <<<<


Please note that is page is currently under development -

it was last updated on 18 January 2011


Upcoming and ongoing activities


NEW Assimilation of SSS data

HYCOM group at NCEP plan to evaluate the impact of SSS data on short-range systems for global, regional and hurricane coupled models in an operational environment (contact Avichal Mehra for details). See also Tranchant et al. (2008) and Brassington and Divakaran (2009) for OSSE results that relate to the expected impact SSS data.


NEW CryoSat data availability:

Although the priority of the CryoSat-II mission is to measure changes in ice thickness over the polar regions, it has been decided by the CryoSat team not to switch off the instruments over the remaining regions. At this stage, it is anticipated that CryoSat observations, for delayed-mode applications, will be made available to scientific users around the end of 2010. Stay tuned to for information regarding data, test data files, and mission operations.


Technical Workshop:

We have a tentative plan to hold a GODAE OceanView and OOPC OSEval-IV Workshop in Monterey in June 2011. Details will follow soon, but it is likely that one of the themes of the workshop will be demonstrating the impact of in situ observations on forecast and analysis systems.


NRT OSE schedule (see draft OSEval-TT work plan, above):

When: what data to with-hold: who is planning to participate

Jan 2011 : Argo : TBA

Feb 2011: XBT : UKMet,

Mar 2011: TAO : UKMet,

Apr 2011: Jason-2 : UKMet, JMA,

May 2011: All altimeters : UKMet, JMA,

Jun 2011: AVHRR : UKMet,



OSEval-TT mission


One of the aims of the GODAE OceanView Observing System Evaluation Task Team (OSEval-TT) is to formulate more specific requirements for ocean observations on the basis of improved understanding of data utility. The OSEval-TT is jointly formed by GODAE OceanView and the Ocean Observation Panel for Climate (OOPC). Through the task team, GODAE OceanView and OOPC partners will get organized at the international level to provide evidence-based responses to agencies and organizations in charge of sustaining the global and regional ocean observing systems used for ocean monitoring and forecasting at short-range, seasonal and decadal time-scales. This activity requires consistent protocols for observation impact assessment, tools for routine production of appropriate diagnostics, common sets of metrics for inter-comparison of results, and objective methodologies for observing system design and assessment activities.


Details of past GODAE workshops on Observing System Evaluation can be found on


OSEval-TT membership


Membership of the OSEval-TT is currently under review. Membership consists of core members, who are expected to participate in planned OSEval-TT activities; and associate members, who are expected to be involved in OSEval-TT activities in an advisory capacity.


Core members:

- Peter Oke (Co-Chair, CSIRO)

- Gilles Larnicol (Co-Chair, CLS)

- Matthew Martin (IV-TT Co-Chair, UKMet)

- Laurent Bertino (NERSC)

- Pavel Sakov (NERSC)

- Avichal Mehra (NOAA)

- Yosuke Fujii (JMA/MRI)

- Gary Brassington (ETOOFS Chair, BoM)

- Pat Hogan (NRL)

- Anthony Weaver (CERFACS)

- Magdenana Balmaseda (ECMWF)

- Villy Kourafalou (UMiami)

- Daniel Lea (UKMet)

- Jim Cummings (NRL)


Associate members:

- Andreas Schiller (GODAE OceanView Co-Chair, CSIRO)

- Eric Dombrowsky (GODAE OceanView Co-Chair, Mercator)

- Eric Lindstrom (OOPC Chair, NASA)

- Fabrice Hernandez (IV-TT Co-Chair, Mercator)


Observing System Events


The motivation for this activity is in recognition that the OSEval-TT has a role to play for the provision of recommendations to the observing agencies and community, particularly during and following `observing system events`. Here, we regard an observing system event to be a planned or unplanned loss or gain of instruments. Examples of observation events include data outages due to altimeter safe-hold or loss, launch of a new satellite, loss or deployment of Argo floats, etc. Reactions to these types of events are likely to be irregular, specific short term actions for the OSEval-TT. In these cases, the OSEval-TT will provide feedback to observational agencies to demonstrate the impact of such events on the quality of ocean analysis and forecast products generated routinely under GODAE OceanView. In practice, the OSEval-TT co-chairs will solicit input from OSEval-TT members. This input will be consolidated by the OSEval-TT co-chairs and forwarded to the GODAE OceanView co-chairs for dissemination to observation agencies and GODAE patrons.


To date, members of the OSEval-TT or their associates have responded to the following observing system events:


Availability of SSS data

HYCOM group at NCEP plan to evaluate the impact of SSS data on short-range systems for global, regional and hurricane coupled models in an operational environment (contact Avichal Mehra from NOAA for details).


Extension of life for Jason-1:

Posters presented at OSTST (October 2010)


Continuation of Jason-1 processing (June 2009):

Following the CalVal period for Jason-2, there was some discussion about whether Jason-1 data processing should continue in the inter-leaved orbit. The OSTST chair asked the GODAE OceanView co-chairs to provide a demonstration of the benefits of retaining Jason-1 and Jason-2 together in inter-leaved orbits. Demonstrations were provided by the UKMet, BoM, and Mercator. These results were compiled by the OSEval-TT co-chairs and the GODAE OceanView co-chairs and disseminated to the OSTST. 


Requirements for the SMOS and Aquarius missions:

Publications by Brassington and Divakaran (2009) and Tranchant et al. (2008).




A technical description of techniques used for observing system evaluation and design follows. A good overview, from the NWP literature, is Rabier et al. (2008):


Observing System Experiments (OSEs):

OSEs involve the systematic denial of a sub-set of observations, and the evaluation of the degradation in quality of the resulting analyses and forecasts. The degradation quantifies the impact of the with-held observations.

Relevant references: Balmaseda et al. (2007), Oke and Schiller (2007; GRL)


Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs):

OSSEs, sometimes referred to as twin experiments, typically use two different models. One model is used to perform a `truth` run - and it is treated as if it is the real ocean. The truth run is sampled in a manner that mimics either an existing or future observing system - yielding synthetic observations. The synthetic observations are assimilated into the second model, and the model performance is evaluated by comparing it against the truth run.

Relevant references: Ballabrera-Poy et al. (2007), Schiller et al. (2004), Vecchi and Harrison (2007)


Analysis self-sensitivities

Coming soon

Relevant references: Cardinala et al. (2004)


Singular vector analysis

Coming soon

Relevant references: Fujii et al. (2008a,b)


Forecast sensitivities

Coming soon

Relevant references: Langland and Baker (2004)


Adaptive sampling

Coming soon

Relevant references: Bishop et al. (2001), O`Kane et al. (2010)


Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter

Coming soon

Relevant references: Bishop et al. (2001)




A list of publications relevant to observing system design and evaluation follows. This list is incomplete. Please send any relevant references to Peter Oke.


Atlas, R., R. N. Hoffman, S. M. Leidner, J. Sienkiewicz, T.-W. Yu, S. C. Bloom, E. Brin, J. Ardizzone, J. Terry, D. Bungato, J. C. Jusemm 2001. The effects of marine winds from scatterometer data on weather analysis and forecasting. B. Am. Meterol. Soc., 82, 1965-1990.

Balmaseda, M.A., D. Anderson, and A. Vidard. 2007. Impact of Argo on analyses of the global ocean.  Geophysical Research Letters 34(L16605): doi:10.1029/2007GL030452.

Balmaseda, M.A., and D. Anderson. 2009. Impact of initialization strategies and observations on seasonal forecast skill. Geophysical Research Letters 36(L01701):doi:10.1029/ 2008GL035561.

Ballabrera-Poy, J., E. Hackert, R. Murtugudde, and A.J. Busalacchi. 2007. An observing system simulation experiment for an optimal moored instrument array in the tropical Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate 20:3249-3268.

Barth, N. and C. Wunsch, 1990: Oceanographic experiment design by simulated annealing. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 20, 1249-1263.

Benkiran, M and E. Greiner. 2007. Data assimilation of drifter velocities in the Mercator Ocean system. Mercator Ocean quarterly newsletter 25, Available online at

Benkiran, M., E. Greiner, S. Giraud St Albin, E. Dombrowsky, D. Jourdan and M. Faillot. 2008. Impact study of the number Space Altimetry observing systems on the altimeter data assimilation in the Mercator-Ocean system. In preparation.

Berliner, L. M., Q. Lu, and C. Snyder, 1999: Statistical design for adaptive weather observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 2536-2552.

Bishop, C. H., B. J. Etherton, S. J. Majumdar, 2001: Adaptive sampling with the ensemble transform Kalman filter. Part I: Theoretical aspects. Mon. Weath. Rev., 129, 420-436.

Bishop, C. H., C. A. Reynolds, M. K. Tippett, 2003. Optimization of the fixed global observing network in a simple model. 60, 1471-1489.

Bishop, C. H., B. J. Etherton, S. J. Majumdar, 2006. Verification region selection and data assimilation for adaptive sampling. 132, 915-933.

Brassington, G. B., and P. Divakaran. 2009. The theoretical impact of remotely sensed sea surface salinity observations in a multi-variate assimilation system. Ocean Modelling, 27, 70-81.

Cardinala, C., S. Pezzulli and E. Andersson. 2004. Influence-matrix diagnostic of a data assimilation system, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 130:2767-2786.

Desroziers, G., P. Brousseau, B. Chapnick, 2005. Use of randomization to diagnose the impact of observations on analyses and forecasts. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, 2821-2837.

Fiorelli et al., 2004: Multi-AUV Control and adaptive sampling in Monterey Bay, Proc. IEEE Autonomous Underwater vehicles.

Fujii, Y., H. Tsujino, N. Usui, H. Nakano, and M. Kamachi. 2008a. Application of singular vector analysis to the Kuroshio large meander. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(C07026):doi:10.1029/2007JC004476.

Fujii, Y., T. Yasuda, S. Matsumoto, M. Kamachi, and K. Ando 2008b. Observing System Evaluation (OSE) using the El Nino forecasting system in Japan Meteorological Agency. Proceedings of the oceanographic society of Japan fall meeting (in Japanese).

Guinehut, S., G. Larnicol and P.-Y. le Traon. 2002. Design of an array of profiling floats in the North Atlantic from model simulations. Journal of Marine Systems 35:1-9.

Guinehut, S., P.-Y. Le Traon, G. Larnicol and S. Phillips. 2004. Combining Argo and remote-sensing data to estimate the ocean three-dimensional temperature fields - a first approach based on simulated observations. Journal of Marine Systems 46:85-98.

Hackert, E. C., R. N. Miller and A. J. Busalacchi, 1998: An optimized design for a moored instrument array in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 7491-7509.

Hirschi, J., J. Baehr, J. Marotzke, J. Stark, S. Cunningham, and J.-O. Beismann, 2003: A monitoring design for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1413, doi:10.1029/2002GL016776.

Kallberg, P., 1984: Performance of some di_erent FGGE observation subsets for a period in November 1979. Data Assimilation Systems and Observing System Experiments with particular emphasis on FGGE, Vol. 1, ECMWF, 203-228.

Kharne, S. P., and J. L. Anderson, 2006: An examination of ensemble filters based adqaptive observation methodologies. Tellus, 58A, 179-195.

Kharne, S. P., and J. L. Anderson, 2006: A methodology for fixed observational network design: theory and application to a simulated global prediction system. 58A, 523-537.

Kuo, T. H., X. Zou, and W. Huang, 1998: The impact of global positioning system data on the prediction of an extratropical cyclone: An observing system simulation experiment. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 27 (1-4), 439-470.

Langland, R. H., and N. L. Baker. 2004. Estimation of observation impact using the NRL atmospheric variational data assimilation adjoint system. Tellus 56A:189-201.

Lawson, W. G., J. A. Hansen, 2004: Implications of stochastic and deterministic filters as ensemble-based data assimilation methods in varying regimes of error growth. Mon. Weath. Rev., 132, 1966-1981.

Le Henaff, M., P. De Mey, P. Marsaleix. 2009. Assessment of observational networks with the representer matrix specra method - application to a 3D coastal model of the Bay of Biscay. Ocean Dynamics 59:3-20.

Le Henaff, M., 2008: Contribution of a Wide-Swath Altimeter in a Shelf Seas Assimilation System: Impact of the Satellite Roll Errors. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25(11).

Le Henaff, M., 2008: Assessment of observational networks with the Representer Matrix Spectra method—application to a 3D coastal model of the Bay of Biscay. Ocean Dynamics

Le Traon, P.-Y. and G. Dibarboure. 2002. Velocity mapping capabilities of present and future altimeter missions: The role of high frequency signals. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 19:2077-2088.

Lorenz, E. N., K. A. Emmanuel, 1998. Optimal sites for supplementary weather observations: simulation with a small model. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 399-414.

McIntosh, P. C., 1987: Systematic design of observational arrays, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 17, 885-902.

Miyoshi, T., S. Yamane, 2007. Local ensemble transform Kalman filtering with an AGCM at a T159/L48 resolution. Mon. Weath. Rev., 135, 3841-3861.

Morss, R. E., D. S. Battisti, 2004. Designing efficient observing networks for ENSO prediction. J. Climate, 17, 3074-3089.

Mourre, B., P. De Mey, Y. Menare, F. Lyard, C. Le Provost, 2006: Relative performance of future altimeter systems and tide gauges in constraining a model of North Sea high-frequency barotropic dynamics, Ocean Dynamics, 56, 473-486.

O`Kane, T. J., P. R. Oke, P. A. Sandery, 2010: Predicting the East Australian Current: Errors of the day, Ocean Modelling, submitted.

Oke, P. R., T. J. O`Kane, 2010: Observing system design and assessment. Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century, Brassington, G. B., A. Schiller, Eds., Springer, in press.

Oke, P. R., M. Balmaseda, M. Benkiran, J. A. Cummings, E. Dombrowsky, Y. Fujii, S. Guinehut, G. Larnicol, P.-Y. Le Traon, and M. J. Martin, 2010: Observational requirements of GODAE Systems. In Proceedings of OceanObs`09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D. E. & Stammar, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306.

Oke, P. R., M. Balmaseda, M. Benkiran, J. A. Cummings, E. Dombrowsky, Y. Fujii, S. Guinehut, G. Larnicol, P.-Y. Le Traon, and M. J. Martin, 2009: Observing System Evaluations using GODAE systems, Oceanography, 22(3), 144-153.

Oke, P. R., P. Sakov and E. Schulz, 2009: A comparison of shelf observation platforms for assimilation into an eddy-resolving ocean model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 48, 121-142, doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.04.002.

Oke, P. R., and A. Schiller, 2007: Impact of Argo, SST and altimeter data on an eddy-resolving ocean reanalysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L19601, doi:10.1029/2007GL031549.

Oke, P. R., and A. Schiller 2007: A model-based assessment and design of an optimal mooring array for the Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate, 20, 3269-3283.

Pascual A., Y. Faugere, G. Larnicol and P.-Y. Le Traon. 2006. Improved description of the ocean mesoscale variability by combining four satellite altimeters, Geophysical Research Letters 33:doi:10.1029/2005 GL024633.

Pascual A., M.I. Pujol, G. Larnicol, P.-Y. Le Traon, M. H. Rio. 2007. Mesoscale Mapping Capabilities of Multisatellite Altimeter Missions: First Results with Real Data in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 65:190-211.

Pascual A., C. Boone, G. Larnicol, P.Y. Le Traon. 2008. On the quality of real time altimeter gridded fields: comparison with in situ data, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi: 10.1175/2008JTECHO556

Rabier, F., P. Gauthier, C. Cardinali, R. Langland, M. Tsyrulnikov, A. Lorenc, P. Steinle, R. Gelaro, and K. Koizumi. 2008. An update on THORPEX-related research in data assimilation and observing strategies. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 15:81-94.

Sakov, P., and P. R. Oke. 2008. Objective array design: Application to the tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25:794-807.

Schiller, A., S. E. Wijffels and G. A. Meyers, 2004: Design requirements for an Argo float array in the Indian Ocean inferred from observing system simulation experiments. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21, 1598-1620.

Smith, N. R., and G. Meyers, 1996: An evaluation of expendable bathythermograph and Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean Array data for monitoring tropical ocean variability. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 28489-28501.

Tranchant, B., C.E. Testut, L. Renault, N. Ferry, F. Birol, P. Brasseur. 2008. Expected impact of the future SMOS and Acquarius ocean surface salinity missions in the Mercator Ocean operational systems: new perspectives to monitor ocean circulation. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:1476-1487.

Tremolet, Y., 2008. Computation of observation sensitivity and observation impact in incremental variational data assimilation. Tellus, 60A, 964-978.

Vecchi, G.A., and M.J. Harrison. 2007. An observing system simulation experiment for the Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate, 20:3300-3343.

Vidard, A., D.L.T. Anderson, and M. Balmaseda. 2007. Impact of ocean observation systems on ocean analysis and seasonal forecasts, Monthly Weather Review 135:409-429.

Vigan, X., C. Provost, R. Bleck, P. Courtier, 2000. Sea surface velocities from the sea surface temperature image sequence, 1. Method and validation using primitive equation model output. Journal of Geophysical Research 105:19499-19514.

Walstad, L. J., D. J. McGillicuddy, 2000. Data assimilation for coastal observing systems. Oceanography, 13, 47-53.

Zhang, S., M. J. Harrison, A. Rosati, A. Wittenberg, 2007: System design and evaluation of coupled ensemble data assimilation for global oceanic climate studies, Mon. Weath. Rev., 135, 3541-3564.




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