OceanCurrent - current meters

Details of Deepwater ADCP deployments

Headline: Sub-facility/Station_name, latest position
Column headings:
counter (if boldface, click to read about issues with the processing or file metadata)
iz: z position (for multi-instrument moorings), inferred from
zc: the central depth of the sensed zone
z: instrument_nominal_depth. h: site_nominal_depth
dz: difference of instrument depth (according to the pressure data) from nominal:- (0 5 50 95 100) percentile values.
lat, lon: position
start time: first good data
dt av shift:sampling interval, averaging interval, time attribute seconds_to_middle_of_measurement, added here to TIME
length: time interval between: 1) start and end dates in the filename, 2) start and end of the time record in the file (time_all), and 3) deployment and retrieval detected in the pressure record (time_good)
dt_start: [min(time_all) min(time_good)]-t_start_filename,
dt_end: [max(time_good) max(time_all)]-t_end_filename,
min-T-max: temperature range,
mag: correction for magnetic declination
Tidal analysis (summary): Major axis amplitude a(cm/s), direction θ(°T) and Greenwich phase g(°) for the constituents listed, analysed for each deployment and for the whole record (using the depth-average data from instruments with iz=1).
cor err: time correction applied (by us) to the data, and time error (re-)estimated from lagged u_tr = rms(obs-tide). u_tr(lag) before and after corrections.
TBv Toolbox version that produced the netcdf file.
deployment name: station-time-ADCP_type-depth (click to see time-series plot of u,v, etc).
[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

1 DA/ITFTNS 9.002°S, 127.25°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
1 8 98 113 1635 -1 0 4 20 76 9.002 127.25 2014-04-18 04:29:58 60 - - 559 559 556 0 50 -14 0 15.8 23.6 2 8 83 152 5 80 210 1 74 118 3 -37 40 5 -43 82 0 60 33 RC2 ITFTNS-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-113
2 17 482 133 1635 -2 0 4 19 74 9.002 127.25 2014-04-18 03:29:57 60 - - 558 558 556 0 49 0 0 14.8 22 2 8 61 135 5 58 203 1 61 109 1 -77 72 2 -79 99 0 0 11 RC2 ITFTNS-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-133
using all inst. 8 72 132 5 69 193 1 68 102 2 -47 42 3 -52 79

2 DA/ITFTSL 9.274°S, 127.36°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
3 12 493 128 3302 -17 -12 4 36 116 9.276 127.36 2011-06-13 07:26:27 60 - - 473 494 472 -435 0 -2 74 15.5 24.2 2 8 74 134 5 73 207 1 75 101 1 -65 29 1 64 274 0 0 13 RC2 ITFTSL-2011-WORKHORSE-ADCP-128
4 6 110 115 3305 -9 -6 1 26 99 9.273 127.36 2012-10-02 05:01:21 60 - - 555 592 555 -892 1 -1 6 17.7 25.3 2 6 60 109 4 52 175 1 55 104 4 -23 34 6 -48 67 0 - 43 RC2 ITFTSL-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-115
5 12 491 138 3305 -10 -8 1 26 98 9.273 127.36 2012-10-02 05:00:39 60 - - 555 592 555 -892 1 -2 5 16.2 23.4 2 8 73 129 5 73 200 2 74 101 1 -68 30 1 70 266 0 0 12 RC2 ITFTSL-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-138
6 5 79 102 3301 -15 -13 -4 12 51 9.274 127.36 2014-04-12 04:29:58 60 - - 563 563 561 0 50 -9 0 18.2 25.8 2 6 76 111 4 71 187 1 84 79 4 -21 56 6 -28 81 0 - 41 RC2 ITFTSL-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-102
7 12 447 122 3301 -15 -12 -4 12 45 9.274 127.36 2014-04-12 05:29:58 60 - - 563 563 561 0 51 -12 0 16.5 23.7 2 9 76 146 5 72 220 2 77 115 1 -63 41 1 72 284 0 60 13 RC2 ITFTSL-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-122
using all inst. 7 70 124 4 67 194 1 72 97 2 -37 33 3 -54 65

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

3 DA/ITFTIN 8.86°S, 127.19°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
8 9 95 104 1090 -7 -3 4 27 78 8.855 127.2 2011-06-14 04:00:00 30 - - 472 477 472 -100 0 -1 23 17 24.7 2 9 67 143 5 72 210 2 77 114 2 -46 70 2 -72 117 0 30 28 RC2 ITFTIN-2011-WORKHORSE-ADCP-104
9 19 425 107 1090 -2 0 5 34 85 8.855 127.2 2011-06-14 04:00:00 60 - - 472 477 472 -100 0 -1 25 16.8 24.6 2 9 53 116 6 56 184 2 48 86 1 -74 41 3 -70 88 0 - 11 RC2 ITFTIN-2011-WORKHORSE-ADCP-107
10 11 135 124 1105 -6 -3 -1 14 135 8.86 127.19 2012-09-30 10:36:36 60 - - 563 564 562 -23 2 -3 5 17.4 23.7 2 12 69 142 4 77 202 3 62 92 2 -35 31 3 -62 86 0 - 28 RC2 ITFTIN-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-124
11 21 506 142 1105 -1 1 4 17 127 8.86 127.19 2012-09-30 09:00:23 60 - - 563 598 562 -849 0 -1 6 16 22.1 2 9 52 111 6 55 180 2 51 85 2 -68 49 3 -74 92 0 - 12 RC2 ITFTIN-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-142
using all inst. 9 63 132 5 65 194 2 62 97 2 -56 57 3 -67 96

4 DA/ITFOMB 8.53°S, 125.06°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
12 10 335 145 3238 -41 -29 15 191 524 8.53 125.09 2011-06-19 08:00:00 60 - - 473 483 472 -223 1 -3 33 8.28 26.2 2 32 68 127 17 68 203 4 67 99 3 57 170 2 7 130 0 0 106 RC2 ITFOMB-2011-WORKHORSE-ADCP-145
13 17 950 424 3238 -42 -29 13 188 514 8.53 125.09 2011-06-19 07:30:00 60 - - 473 483 473 -221 1 -1 33 5.61 10.1 2 20 57 131 12 51 199 4 63 105 2 78 128 2 79 192 0 0 26 RC2 ITFOMB-2011-WORKHORSE-ADCP-424
14 10 300 123 3239 -13 -6 42 238 473 8.527 125.09 2012-10-06 11:04:52 60 - - 565 568 564 -79 4 -5 9 8.16 23.9 2 33 69 127 19 68 196 6 70 105 3 57 173 3 28 144 0 0 89 RC2 ITFOMB-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-123
15 14 680 143 3239 -14 -5 40 235 454 8.527 125.09 2012-10-06 11:00:41 60 - - 565 606 564 -991 4 -5 11 7.86 21.9 2 19 48 120 10 41 183 4 50 91 3 76 115 2 78 176 0 0 35 RC2 ITFOMB-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-143
16 16 819 401 3239 0 6 50 229 456 8.527 125.09 2012-10-06 07:01:17 60 - - 565 606 565 -991 0 -2 10 5.54 10.1 2 20 56 117 11 47 182 4 52 88 2 77 121 2 77 185 0 - 33 RC2 ITFOMB-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-401
17 10 310 100 3225 -17 -7 35 214 513 8.53 125.06 2014-04-23 05:29:58 60 - - 548 548 545 0 51 -14 0 8.98 23.9 2 32 76 145 17 71 219 6 71 113 2 63 204 2 31 161 0 60 74 RC2 ITFOMB-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-100
18 13 556 120 3225 -17 -6 36 213 511 8.53 125.06 2014-04-23 05:29:59 60 - - 548 548 545 0 51 -15 0 8.53 22 2 18 41 135 9 39 200 3 36 100 2 70 125 2 77 181 0 0 40 RC2 ITFOMB-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-120
19 17 949 380 3225 -15 -7 32 200 491 8.53 125.06 2014-04-23 05:30:00 60 - - 548 548 546 0 51 -7 0 5.91 10.6 2 19 51 123 11 50 192 3 52 101 2 74 131 2 80 188 0 0 28 RC2 ITFOMB-2014-WORKHORSE-ADCP-380
using all inst. 24 61 126 13 59 196 4 60 100 2 61 149 2 58 168

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

5 DA/EAC1 27.31°S, 153.97°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
20 13 265 422 1525 -3 0 12 37 72 27.31 153.97 2012-04-21 04:00:00 60 - - 489 495 490 -37 -9 -2 103 8.77 13.4 11 1 -33 272 1 53 309 0 -26 216 2 -22 308 3 -11 331 0 - 53 RC2 EAC1-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-422
using all inst. 1 -33 272 1 54 308 0 -26 216 2 -22 309 3 -11 331

6 DA/EAC2 27.31°S, 153.99°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
21 16 538 615 1940 0 3 32 69 117 27.31 153.99 2012-04-22 07:00:00 60 - - 489 495 489 -55 0 -2 95 6.03 9.45 11 1 71 78 0 47 158 0 24 341 1 -35 13 1 -30 1 0 - 20 RC2 EAC2-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-615
22 8 132 81 1940 -1 3 61 124 171 27.31 153.99 2012-04-22 07:08:31 60 - - 489 495 489 -48 0 -1 95 16 23.5 11 2 -30 261 1 32 318 1 -37 214 4 -31 288 5 -16 320 0 - 95 RC2 EAC2-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-81
23 15 450 82 1940 0 4 63 127 171 27.31 153.99 2012-04-22 07:00:00 60 - - 489 495 489 -55 0 -2 97 16 23.5 11 1 -55 303 0 -88 110 0 -23 243 1 -15 342 2 -11 348 0 - 33 RC2 EAC2-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-82
using all inst. 1 -53 273 0 68 283 0 -41 222 2 -29 315 2 -17 329

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

7 DA/EAC3 27.25°S, 154.29°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
24 14 839 612 4220 -3 3 30 78 144 27.25 154.29 2012-04-23 11:00:00 60 - - 489 495 488 -83 1 -2 71 6.18 10.2 11 1 46 103 0 90 274 0 -42 243 2 -8 335 1 56 53 0 - 18 RC2 EAC3-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-612
25 6 142 82 4220 -8 0 38 113 189 27.25 154.29 2012-04-23 11:00:00 60 - - 489 495 488 -83 1 -2 74 17.3 24.8 11 3 68 200 1 -90 78 1 12 195 4 -45 295 4 -23 328 0 - 79 RC2 EAC3-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-82
26 10 442 83 4220 -9 -1 38 114 188 27.25 154.29 2012-04-23 11:00:00 60 - - 489 495 488 -83 1 -2 74 17.3 24.8 11 1 78 166 1 64 283 0 -54 251 1 -28 322 2 -6 353 0 - 37 RC2 EAC3-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-83
using all inst. 1 84 174 1 77 272 0 -4 209 2 -35 309 2 -19 336

8 DA/EAC4 27.21°S, 154.65°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
27 8 273 360 4745 -8 -5 2 73 165 27.21 154.65 2012-04-25 06:00:00 60 - - 488 495 488 -127 -1 -1 51 11.3 17.9 11 1 62 181 1 56 268 0 37 178 3 -46 278 3 -3 328 0 - 40 RC2 EAC4-2012-WORKHORSE-ADCP-360
using all inst. 1 62 181 1 56 268 0 36 179 3 -46 279 4 -3 328

10 DA/EAC0500 27.33°S, 153.9°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
28 15 120 125 540 -2 0 11 57 102 27.33 153.9 2015-05-24 02:59:52 60 - - 546 546 536 0 219 -34 0 16.1 22.2 11 1 -80 215 0 28 44 1 -32 219 4 -22 285 6 -14 320 0 - 68 RC2 EAC0500-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-125
29 28 449 126 540 -128 -1 10 57 2213 27.33 153.9 2015-05-16 00:59:59 60 - - 546 546 545 0 25 0 0 16.1 22.2 11 1 -75 253 0 65 188 0 -29 235 3 -22 329 3 -16 337 0 - 38 RC2 EAC0500-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-126
30 14 103 119 536 -12 -10 -2 52 77 27.33 153.9 2016-11-11 00:21:38 1 - - 250 250 203 0 1128 0 0 16.3 21.8 11 1 -25 272 1 19 9 1 -24 193 4 -31 284 5 -15 331 0 - - RC2 EAC0500-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-119
31 29 473 120 536 -125 -122 -120 15 22 27.33 153.9 2016-10-25 00:03:45 4 - - 18 18 18 0 0 0 0 19.5 30.6 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 934 27 RC2 EAC0500-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-120
using all inst. 1 -27 273 1 20 6 1 -26 193 4 -31 286 5 -14 328

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

11 DA/EAC2000 27.32°S, 154°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
32 17 548 125 1927 -7 -4 38 116 198 27.32 154 2015-06-06 17:59:39 60 - - 391 391 368 0 546 -7 0 15.8 22.2 11 1 34 23 0 22 163 0 50 295 1 -29 4 1 -26 3 0 - 31 RC2 EAC2000-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-125
33 21 899 665 1927 -3 -1 18 67 145 27.32 154 2015-05-23 08:00:00 60 - - 545 545 537 0 200 -7 0 5.74 9.19 11 1 40 49 1 33 159 0 -88 171 1 -31 52 0 49 155 0 - 18 RC2 EAC2000-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-665
34 10 174 124 1927 -4 0 37 114 203 27.32 154 2015-06-03 18:59:41 60 - - 544 544 525 0 451 -8 0 16.1 22.2 11 1 -33 275 1 7 8 1 -16 240 3 -36 292 5 -13 326 0 - 89 RC2 EAC2000-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-124
35 16 521 120 1879 -28 -19 0 88 152 27.32 154 2016-11-11 06:52:36 4 - - 620 620 538 0 1879 -96 0 16.4 23.2 11 1 -78 282 0 -36 103 0 -81 223 2 -21 357 2 -17 1 0 - 27 RC2 EAC2000-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-120
36 9 138 119 1879 -26 -20 0 88 152 27.32 154 2016-11-11 06:51:44 1 - - 588 588 537 0 1135 -106 0 16.4 23.2 11 2 -38 295 1 55 302 1 -17 234 3 -55 304 6 -7 315 0 - - RC2 EAC2000-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-119
37 23 1029 650 1879 -22 -17 -5 47 107 27.32 154 2016-11-11 06:55:48 4 - - 558 558 538 0 415 -82 0 6.25 9.73 11 1 64 20 1 33 155 0 21 20 1 -19 44 0 -7 65 0 - 17 RC2 EAC2000-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-650
using all inst. 2 -41 294 0 -84 81 0 -21 236 2 -54 311 4 -8 319

12 DA/EAC3200 27.28°S, 154.14°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
38 8 186 169 3201 -8 -6 25 115 185 27.28 154.14 2015-05-22 05:59:55 60 - - 543 543 535 0 174 -33 0 14.8 21.5 11 2 -31 300 1 -10 23 1 20 260 3 -40 290 4 -7 323 0 - 76 RC2 EAC3200-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-169
39 13 576 170 3201 -13 -11 21 109 180 27.28 154.14 2015-05-22 05:59:54 60 - - 543 543 535 0 174 -34 0 14.8 21.5 11 0 9 348 0 -62 86 0 45 229 1 -6 341 1 7 4 0 - 31 RC2 EAC3200-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-170
40 17 938 700 3201 -4 -2 22 91 150 27.28 154.14 2015-05-22 05:59:57 60 - - 543 543 535 0 174 -34 0 5.24 8.73 11 0 -8 18 0 -57 102 0 48 228 1 -2 12 1 -70 294 0 - 20 RC2 EAC3200-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-700
41 13 564 120 3180 11 19 36 122 200 27.28 154.14 2016-11-08 04:15:10 4 - - 613 613 538 0 1804 -11 0 15.7 22.4 11 1 -76 305 0 -85 108 0 -69 210 1 -11 348 1 -3 360 0 - 28 RC2 EAC3200-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-120
42 7 165 119 3180 11 18 35 123 204 27.28 154.14 2016-11-08 04:14:48 1 - - 582 582 538 0 1060 -11 0 15.7 22.4 11 3 -52 308 1 31 326 1 -30 238 3 -40 287 5 -4 324 0 - - RC2 EAC3200-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-119
using all inst. 3 -54 309 1 44 314 1 -32 238 3 -40 292 4 -5 327

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

13 DA/EAC4200 27.24°S, 154.29°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
43 12 627 196 4266 -18 -15 14 124 241 27.24 154.29 2015-05-21 04:59:59 60 - - 540 540 533 0 149 -24 0 14.7 21.5 11 0 -45 346 0 82 301 0 40 207 1 -2 336 1 24 14 0 - 30 RC2 EAC4200-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-196
44 15 983 726 4266 -18 -16 5 83 202 27.24 154.29 2015-05-21 04:59:58 60 - - 540 540 533 0 149 -25 0 5.35 8.7 11 0 -18 25 0 -21 114 0 -60 327 1 21 358 1 -89 267 0 - 19 RC2 EAC4200-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-726
45 7 232 195 4266 -18 -15 15 123 240 27.24 154.29 2015-05-21 04:59:59 60 - - 539 539 533 0 125 -26 0 14.6 21.4 11 1 64 237 1 -85 97 1 38 229 3 -42 286 4 4 324 0 - 64 RC2 EAC4200-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-195
46 8 264 119 4268 2 9 38 167 400 27.24 154.29 2016-11-06 07:24:57 1 - - 609 609 536 0 1759 -8 0 15.3 23.2 11 3 -62 324 1 73 295 0 -33 238 3 -47 289 4 -11 330 0 - - RC2 EAC4200-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-119
47 12 673 120 4268 1 10 40 169 403 27.24 154.29 2016-11-06 07:26:23 4 - - 610 610 536 0 1759 -28 0 15.2 23.1 11 1 -73 327 1 77 296 0 -39 219 1 -1 344 2 5 360 0 - 28 RC2 EAC4200-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-120
48 16 1179 650 4268 -5 10 33 131 365 27.24 154.29 2016-11-06 07:26:09 4 - - 548 548 536 0 295 -8 0 5.42 9.42 11 0 34 85 0 -48 113 0 -12 7 1 2 344 1 -79 283 0 - 15 RC2 EAC4200-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-650
using all inst. 2 -65 327 1 84 286 0 -32 241 2 -43 294 3 -12 332

14 DA/EAC4700 27.21°S, 154.65°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
49 11 585 182 4768 -12 -9 2 76 192 27.21 154.65 2015-05-19 06:59:53 60 - - 537 537 532 0 103 -25 0 15.5 22.4 11 1 75 250 1 -75 123 0 63 221 1 -8 311 2 16 343 0 - 25 RC2 EAC4700-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-182
50 7 201 181 4768 -9 -7 4 79 194 27.21 154.65 2015-05-19 06:59:59 60 - - 536 536 532 0 79 -30 0 15.5 22.5 11 2 65 226 1 76 275 1 49 188 2 -61 273 4 -9 326 0 - 47 RC2 EAC4700-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-181
51 11 568 120 4778 -8 -1 16 119 219 27.21 154.65 2016-11-03 07:10:37 4 - - 606 606 536 0 1687 -9 0 16.7 24.1 11 1 68 221 1 90 315 0 75 175 1 -13 316 2 20 352 0 - 27 RC2 EAC4700-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-120
using all inst. 1 68 223 1 89 311 0 69 180 1 -17 313 2 16 349

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

15 DA/EAC4800 27.11°S, 155.29°E Plots Data files
i izzc z h dz lat lon time1 UTC+0 dt av shift lengthdt_startdt_end min-T-max magM2 S2 N2 O1 K1 cor erru_trTBvdeployment name
m m°S °Ey-m-d h:m:s min s s dayshh °C °a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°a θ° g°minscm/s
52 8 329 456 4797 -13 -9 2 75 157 27.11 155.29 2015-05-18 08:07:30 4 - - 532 532 531 0 26 -8 0 9.11 16.1 11 2 75 94 1 30 184 1 83 50 2 -42 284 3 -12 330 0 - 36 RC2 EAC4800-2016-WORKHORSE-ADCP-456
53 8 311 410 4788 1 8 21 86 178 27.11 155.29 2016-10-31 10:45:46 4 - - 604 604 535 0 1619 -25 0 9.12 17.1 11 1 -82 245 1 27 175 1 71 88 2 -42 275 2 -4 326 0 - 40 RC2 EAC4800-2018-WORKHORSE-ADCP-410
using all inst. 2 78 89 1 28 180 1 80 64 2 -42 280 2 -8 328

Datafile issues

1 files had fatal issues: (for this script) and were skipped for the reason given:

1: 0 readable non-NaN velocity data.

43 files had non-fatal issues:

1: 1 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

2: 1 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

3: 2 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

4: 2 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

5: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 104m.

6: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 382m.

7: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 110m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal.

8: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 129m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal.

9: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 401m.

10: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 83m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

11: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 103m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

12: 4 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 365m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

13: 6 Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal.

14: 6 Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal.

15: 7 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 609m.

16: 7 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 74m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal.

17: 7 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 74m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal.

18: 10 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

19: 10 Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: -2m. Depth max implausible?: 2339m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

20: 10 Start-time of good data in file 11-Nov-2016 00:21:38Z differs by 47d from filename. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

21: 10 Height Above Sensor actually means Below (CONTRARY to what attribute says) Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

22: 11 Start-time of good data in file 06-Jun-2015 17:59:39Z differs by 23d from filename. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

23: 11 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

24: 11 Start-time of good data in file 03-Jun-2015 18:59:41Z differs by 19d from filename. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

25: 11 Start-time of good data in file 11-Nov-2016 06:52:36Z differs by 78d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 92m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

26: 11 Start-time of good data in file 11-Nov-2016 06:51:44Z differs by 47d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 93m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

27: 11 Start-time of good data in file 11-Nov-2016 06:55:48Z differs by 17d from filename. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

28: 12 Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

29: 12 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

30: 12 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

31: 12 Start-time of good data in file 08-Nov-2016 04:15:10Z differs by 75d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 131m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

32: 12 Start-time of good data in file 08-Nov-2016 04:14:48Z differs by 44d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 130m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

33: 13 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

34: 13 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

35: 13 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

36: 13 Start-time of good data in file 06-Nov-2016 07:24:57Z differs by 73d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 121m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

37: 13 Start-time of good data in file 06-Nov-2016 07:26:23Z differs by 73d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 121m. Excess pressure drift, calibration error or deployed depth cf nominal. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

38: 13 Start-time of good data in file 06-Nov-2016 07:26:09Z differs by 12d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 645m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

39: 14 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

40: 14 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

41: 14 Start-time of good data in file 03-Nov-2016 07:10:37Z differs by 70d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 112m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

42: 15 no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

43: 15 Start-time of good data in file 31-Oct-2016 10:45:46Z differs by 67d from filename. Mid-deployment depth min implausible?: 411m. no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead no ABSI variable. Looking for ABSIC instead

[current meters] [top] ITFTNS ITFTSL ITFTIN ITFOMB EAC1 EAC2 EAC3 EAC4 EAC0500 EAC2000 EAC3200 EAC4200 EAC4700 EAC4800 [data file issues]

http://thredds.aodn.org.au/thredds/ABOS/ was scanned at: 25-Apr-2019 18:42:02