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Project details

Title: CSIRO Bass Strait Study 1981-1984
Id: 41
Acronym: CSIRO Bass Strait Study 1984

Description (full): Various CSIRO Biological Oceanography studies in Bass Strait.
Years: 1981 to 1984

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
SP 07/84

J. Church (CSIRO) Fourth of CSIRO's Bass Strait Study 1984 cruises, carried out from Melbourne to Hobart. Cruise objectives were to deploy current meter and thermistor chain moorings near the Kingfish B oil platform, carry out CTD and hydrology stations, conduct zooplankton tows and primary production sampling, and collect sediment samples from piston cores and grabs near the oil production platforms.
SP 06/84

T. McDougall (CSIRO) Third of CSIRO's Bass Strait Study 1984 cruises, carried out from Hobart to Melbourne. 11 CTD sections were taken for the combined interest of VIMS and CSIRO, and 6 current meter moorings were deployed.
SP 05/84

D. Vaudrey (CSIRO) Second of CSIRO's Bass Strait Study 1984 cruises, carried out from Melbourne to Hobart. Cruise objectives were to recover current meter and tide gauge moorings deployed in SP 04/84, carry out a hydrological survey of the Bonney Shelf region, take samples for primary production studies, and carry out a sea surface temperature survey. 61 CTD stations were completed including 4 primary productivity stations, 21 XBT's were taken, and 6 weather balloons released for CSIRO Atmospheric Physics.
SP 04/84

D. Vaudrey (CSIRO) First of CSIRO's Bass Strait Study 1984 cruises, carried out from Hobart to Melbourne. 121 CTD stations were carried out, and 6 tide gauges and 12 current meters were deployed. Additional sampling was carried out for neuston (larval fish) and primary productivity, for University of Sydney and Monash University.
SP 07/81

M. Tomczak (CSIRO) Oceanographic study of Bass Strait and Eddy "Mario" in the Tasman Sea.
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