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Project details

Title: "Diamantina" western rock lobster research cruises, Western Australia, 1963-1973
Id: 28
Acronym: Western Rock Lobster research cruises, WA 1960s-70s

Years: 1963 to 1973

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Survey InvestigatorDescription
DM 3/73

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) To study movements of water adjacent to the smaller test area for western rock lobster larval ecology studies.
DM 2/73

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) rock lobster larval survey and oceanography.
To study north-south movements of tropical waers across the western rock lobster grounds.
DM 1/73

D. Rochford, D. Lockwood (CSIRO) rock lobster larval survey and oceanography
To study north-south movements of tropical waters across the western rock lobster grounds.
DM 5/71

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) To study north-south movements of tropical waters across the western rocklobster grounds.
DM 4/71

G. Cresswell (CSIRO) To study water movements in the area. To continue testing a newly developed opening - and - closing net.
To study the verical distribution of the puerulus larvae of the western rock lobseter (Panulirus lonipes cygnus) at position 29 degrees 15 minutes South, 144 degress East.
To make zooplankton collections on the 110 degree East meridian.
To test a modular bathysonde acoustically linked to shipboard recorders.
DM 1/71

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) To study north-south movements of tropical waters across the western rock lobster grounds.
DM 1/70

D. Ritz (CSIRO) To study the distribution of adult shovel-nose lobsters and other benthic species.
DM 9/69

B. Philips (CSIRO) To study the distribution and movements of the larval stages of the western crayfish (Panulirus cygnus).
To examine the hydrological conditions and circulation of the water masses off the West Australian coast.
DM 6/69

D. Ritz (CSIRO) To study the distribution and movements of the larval stages of the western crayfish Panulirus cygnus.
To examine the hydrological conditions and circulation of the water masses off the west Australian coast.
DM 4/69

D. Ritz (CSIRO) To study the distribution and movements of the larval stages of the western crayfish (Panulirus cygnus).
To examine the hydrological conditions and circulation of the water masses off the west Australain coast.
DM 6/68

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) To study the distribution and movements of the larval stages of the western crayfish (Panulirus cygnus).
To examine the hydrological conditions and circulation of the water massess off the west Australian coast.
DM 1/68

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) To test sampling procedures to be used in a study of the distribution and growth of the larval stages of the Western Australian crayfish (Panulirus cygnus).
To examine hydroogical conditions and circulation of the water masses off the Western Australian coast.
DM 5/67

D. Rochford (CSIRO) To study the distribution and growth of the larval stages of the Western Australian crayfish (Pamulirus cygnus).
To examine the hydrological conditions and circulation of the water masses off the Western Australian coast.
DM 1/66

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 1/66 was undertaken for a rock lobster (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larval survey and hydrological sampling in the Indian Ocean off Western Australia between North-West Cape and Fremantle.
DM 3/65

J. Bannister (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 3/65 was undertaken for a rock lobster (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larval survey, and hydrological sampling in the Indian Ocean between south of Cape Farquhar and Fremantle.
DM 2/65

R. Chittleborough (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 2/65 was undertaken for a rock lobster (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larval survey and hydrological sampling in the Indian Ocean off Western Australia.
DM 4/64

T.R. Cowper (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 4/64 was undertaken for a rock lobster (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larval survey, and hydrological and sediment sampling in the Indian Ocean between North-West Cape to Cape Naturaliste.
DM 1/64

R. Chittleborough (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 1/64 was undertaken for a rock lobster (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larval survey, bottom photography, hydrological and sediment sampling in the Indian Ocean between Fremantle and Onslow.
DM 6/63

R. Chittleborough (CSIRO) H.M.A.S Diamantina cruise Dm 6/63 was undertaken for a rock lobster (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larval survey and benthic, sediment, and hydrological sampling in the Indian Ocean between Onslow and Fremantle. Bottom photography of the seafloor was also conducted.
DM 4/63

R. Chittleborough (CSIRO) Rock lobster larval survey and oceanography, plus sediments
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