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Event details

Voyage: IN2023_V02       [details]
Subject: Micro-g LaCoste AS-2 gravity meter event
When: 2023-04-20 00:07:00 UTC
Log: GSM
Equipment: Gravity Meter

Micro-g LaCoste Air-Sea System II (AS-2) gravity meter [view]
Position: Latitude: -43.34426 Longitude: 147.52919
Comments: On advice of Micro-g LaCoste, Rod (SIT) and Augustin (GSM) replaced the gyro with a spare gyro we had (that had a note saying possibly faulty 2016) and rebooted the system. The gyro failed immediately - erratic movement of the system - and the system was powered down and the original gyro put back in. Will seek further advice from Micro-g
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