Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2017_V01       [details]
Subject: Underway sampling
When: 2017-01-21 00:09:57 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2017-01-21 00:09:57
Log: in2017_v01
Equipment: Underway Seawater Data
Station/Location: UW19
Position: Latitude: -64.06183 Longitude: 116.96933

- entered into Elog as 64 03.71 S, 116 58.16 E
Action: Transiting

DNA - 4L

FCM - 2ml

Virus - 15L

Chl a - 1L

PhytoLugol - 1L

GFF - 2L

Net - 5minfrozen

Net - 5min

PhytoAmy - 500ml

Hydrochem (sample ID), nuts (uwy019), salts (uwy019), DO (9001_019)

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