CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxon report

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Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota (CAAB) Taxon Report

Animalia (kingdom)  »  Arthropoda (phylum)  »  Ostracoda (class)  »  Myodocopida (order)  »  Sarsiellidae (family)

CAAB Code: 27 109906 show as JSON
Scientific Name
and Authority

Nealella spp.  

Rank: Genus
CAAB category: 27 - Crustacea - non-Malacostraca Copepods, ostracods, barnacles, and minor crustacean groups
Family: 27 109 Sarsiellidae (ostracods) - show full list
Common Name: [an ostracod]
Organism Type: an ostracod
Taxon lists: Current Australian list:
Commercial species list:
Standard Fish Names List:
Habitat: Marine unspecified
Parent Codes: 27 109000     Sarsiellidae
Child Codes: 27 109019     Nealella lux
27 109018     Nealella queenslandensis
27 109054     Nealella sp. MoV 6269
27 109057     Nealella sp. MoV 6271
Taxon Notes:This code is provided for use when identification of a specimen to this level is sufficient, or when no further detail is available.

Name status: accepted    Checked on: 2019-11-21
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