CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 50 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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  Platycephalidae (family)      (Species only)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
37 296041 Ambiserrula jugosa (McCulloch, 1914) Mud Flathead Mud Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296018 Cociella hutchinsi Knapp, 1996 Brownmargin Flathead Brownmargin Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296031 Cymbacephalus bosschei (Bleeker, 1860) Smalleye Flathead Smalleye Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296023 Cymbacephalus nematophthalmus (Günther, 1860) Fringe-eye Flathead Fringe-eye Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296042 Cymbacephalus parilis (McCulloch, 1914) Northern Rock Flathead Northern Rock Flathead 1997-01-01 2021-08-15
37 296013 Elates ransonnettii (Steindachner, 1877) Dwarf Flathead Dwarf Flathead 1997-01-01 2012-01-23
37 296010 Inegocia harrisii (McCulloch, 1914) Harris' Flathead Harris' Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296029 Inegocia japonica (Cuvier, 1829) Rusty Flathead Rusty Flathead 1997-01-01 2014-07-30
37 296012 Insidiator macracanthus (Bleeker, 1869) Bigspine Flathead Bigspine Flathead 1997-01-01 2024-01-10
37 296019 Kumococius rodericensis (Cuvier, 1829) Whitefin Flathead Whitefin Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296005 Leviprora inops (Jenyns, 1840) Longhead Flathead Longhead Flathead 1997-01-01 2020-04-03
37 296063 Leviprora semermis (De Vis, 1883) [a flathead] 2020-04-03 2020-04-03
37 296050 Onigocia bimaculata Knapp, Imamura & Sakashita, 2000 Twospot Flathead Twospot Flathead 2002-10-23 2009-01-06
37 296057 Onigocia grandisquama (Regan, 1908) [a flathead] 2008-08-05 2008-08-05
37 296059 Onigocia lacrimalis Imamura & Knapp, 2009 [a flathead] 2010-03-31 2010-03-31
37 296025 Onigocia macrocephala (Weber, 1913) Notched Flathead Notched Flathead 1997-01-01 2012-09-06
37 296027 Onigocia oligolepis (Regan, 1908) Shortsnout Flathead Shortsnout Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296051 Onigocia pedimacula (Regan, 1908) Broadband Flathead Broadband Flathead 2003-10-24 2009-01-06
37 296062 Onigocia sibogae Imamura, 2011 [a flathead] 2015-04-02 2015-04-02
37 296022 Onigocia spinosa (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) Midget Flathead Midget Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296061 Platycephalus angustus Steindachner, 1866 [a flathead] 2013-03-14 2013-03-14
37 296035 Platycephalus aurimaculatus Knapp, 1987 Toothy Flathead Toothy Flathead 1997-01-01 2010-02-09
37 296033 Platycephalus australis Imamura, 2015 Bartail Flathead Bartail Flathead 1997-01-01 2015-03-04
37 296003 Platycephalus bassensis Cuvier, 1829 Southern Sand Flathead Southern Sand Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296007 Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus McCulloch, 1922 Bluespotted Flathead Bluespotted Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296039 Platycephalus chauliodous Knapp, 1991 Bigtooth Flathead Bigtooth Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296002 Platycephalus conatus Waite & McCulloch, 1915 Deepwater Flathead Deepwater Flathead 1997-01-01 2010-02-09
37 296021 Platycephalus endrachtensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1825 Northern Sand Flathead Northern Sand Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-12-01
37 296004 Platycephalus fuscus Cuvier, 1829 Dusky Flathead Dusky Flathead 1997-01-01 2013-06-21
37 296036 Platycephalus grandispinis Cuvier, 1829 Longspine Flathead Longspine Flathead 1997-01-01 2014-07-23
37 296006 Platycephalus laevigatus Cuvier, 1829 Rock Flathead Rock Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296038 Platycephalus marmoratus Stead, 1908 Marbled Flathead Marbled Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-10-30
37 296058 Platycephalus orbitalis Imamura & Knapp, 2009 Western-Australian flathead 2009-10-30 2009-10-30
37 296001 Platycephalus richardsoni Castelnau, 1872 Tiger Flathead Tiger Flathead 1997-01-01 2008-03-31
37 296037 Platycephalus speculator Klunzinger, 1872 Southern Bluespotted Flathead Southern Bluespotted Flathead 1997-01-01 2022-04-07
37 296020 Platycephalus westraliae (Whitley, 1938) Yellowtail Flathead Yellowtail Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-12-01
37 296011 Ratabulus diversidens (McCulloch, 1914) Freespine Flathead Freespine Flathead 1997-01-01 2011-04-11
37 296060 Ratabulus fulviguttatus Imamura & Gomon, 2010 Orange-freckled flathead 2011-04-11 2011-04-11
37 296052 Ratabulus ventralis Imamura & Gomon, 2010 Longfin flathead 2004-01-30 2004-01-30
37 296056 Rogadius mcgroutheri Imamura, 2007 McGrouther's flathead 2007-09-04 2007-09-04
37 296008 Rogadius patriciae Knapp, 1987 Blackbanded Flathead Blackbanded Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296040 Rogadius serratus (Cuvier, 1829) Serrate Flathead Serrate Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296030 Rogadius tuberculatus (Cuvier, 1829) Tuberculate Flathead Tuberculate Flathead 1997-01-01 2010-08-13
37 296043 Sunagocia arenicola (Schultz, 1966) Broadhead Flathead Broadhead Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296046 Sunagocia otaitensis (Cuvier, 1829) Fringelip Flathead Fringelip Flathead 1997-01-01 2011-12-13
37 296055 Sunagocia sainsburyi Knapp & Imamura, 2004 Sainsbury's Flathead Sainsbury's Flathead 2005-04-05 2009-01-06
37 296044 Thysanophrys celebica (Bleeker, 1854) Celebes Flathead Celebes Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296034 Thysanophrys chiltonae Schultz, 1966 Longsnout Flathead Longsnout Flathead 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 296045 Thysanophrys cirronasus (Richardson, 1848) Tasselsnout Flathead Tasselsnout Flathead 1997-01-01 2020-05-13
37 296053 Thysanophrys papillaris Imamura & Knapp, 1999 Smallknob Flathead Smallknob Flathead 2004-03-16 2009-01-06

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