CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 9 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

Restricted to:

  Deltocyathiidae (family)      (Species only)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
11 314050 Deltocyathus andamanicus Alcock, 1898 [a stony coral] 2005-04-05 2014-06-26
11 314051 Deltocyathus cameratus Cairns, 1999 [a stony coral] 2005-04-05 2014-06-26
11 314080 Deltocyathus corrugatus Cairns, 1999 [a stony coral] 2010-07-31 2014-06-26
11 314002 Deltocyathus magnificus Moseley, 1876 [a stony coral] 2001-05-25 2014-06-26
11 314052 Deltocyathus ornatus Gardiner, 1899 [a stony coral] 2005-04-05 2014-06-26
11 314053 Deltocyathus rotulus (Alcock, 1898) [a stony coral] 2005-04-05 2014-06-26
11 314020 Deltocyathus sarsi (Gardiner & Waugh, 1938) [a stony coral] 2002-06-27 2014-06-26
11 314054 Deltocyathus stella Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 [a stony coral] 2005-04-05 2014-06-26
11 314021 Deltocyathus suluensis Alcock, 1902 [a stony coral] 2002-06-27 2014-06-26

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