ARMADA - Region Report

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Key Ecological Features

Name:Canyons linking the Argo Abyssal Plain with the Scott Plateau
Region: North-west
Area: 835.65 km2
Data aggregated on 2024-05-03 06:29

The following is the list of gear types used within this region. Click on 'gear type' for a detailed report of that gear.

Gear TypeCodeMap colourLayers usedSummary
ocean based acoustic current meter OB_ACM CSIRO NCMI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data
     - link to layer metadata
Records - 3
Deepest: db

Region extents: 119° 05.0' E   14° 28.8' S     to     119° 49.5' E   13° 51.0' S   Refresh map

Acknowledgements: Background map - Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap v1.0 (AIMS, GBRMPA, JCU, DSITIA, GA, UCSD, NASA, OSM, ESRI) CC BY

Time series plot (1930 to present) - Y axis is per year

Region data

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NCMI Information and Data Centre  »  Applications  »  NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub  »  ARMADA