ARMADA - Region Geartype summary

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Australian Marine Parks

Name:Arafura Multiple Use Zone (IUCN VI)      - view region report showing all data
Region: North
Comments: This reserve was originally proclaimed on 17 November 2012. There are NO CHANGES ON THE WATER until the North Australian Marine Parks Network Management Plan comes into effect.

Australia's network of Australian Marine Parks (revised 2014-03-28)
Area: 22,924.19 km2
Gear type:Water quality and chemistry
Layers used: CMAR Hydrology
     - link to layer metadata
MMP Locations Depth Weighted Avg
Summary:Records - 5
Deepest: db
Last updated: 29-Apr-2024 15:18.
km - Region default buffer is km

Time series plot (1930 to present) - Y axis is deployments per year

Region data

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YearTotal inside region
1963 1
1965 1
1975 1
1987 1
1993 1
2013 1

Region extents: 132° 36.0' E   10° 58.4' S     to     134° 50.1' E   8° 52.9' S

Acknowledgements: Background map - Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap v1.0 (AIMS, GBRMPA, JCU, DSITIA, GA, UCSD, NASA, OSM, ESRI) CC BY

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