CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 152 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

Restricted to:

Animalia (kingdom)   Chordata (phylum)   Actinopterygii (class)   Myctophiformes (order)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
37 122078 Benthosema fibulatum (Gilbert & Cramer, 1897) Spinycheek Lanternfish Spinycheek Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122079 Benthosema pterotum (Alcock, 1890) Opaline Lanternfish Opaline Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122024 Benthosema suborbitale (Gilbert, 1913) Dimple Lanternfish Dimple Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122902 Benthosema spp. 2012-10-05
37 122108 Bolinichthys distofax Johnson, 1975 [a lanternfish] 2010-04-01 2010-04-01
37 122074 Bolinichthys indicus (Nafpaktitis & Nafpaktitis, 1969) Smoothcheek Lanternfish Smoothcheek Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122025 Bolinichthys longipes (Brauer, 1906) Popeye Lanternfish Popeye Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122026 Bolinichthys nikolayi Becker, 1978 Nikolay's Lanternfish Nikolay's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2012-01-09
37 122027 Bolinichthys photothorax (Parr, 1928) Spurcheek Lanternfish Spurcheek Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122080 Bolinichthys pyrsobolus (Alcock, 1890) Fiery Lanternfish Fiery Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122028 Bolinichthys supralateralis (Parr, 1928) Stubby Lanternfish Stubby Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122903 Bolinichthys spp. 2012-10-05
37 122081 Centrobranchus andreae (Lütken, 1892) Andrea's Lanternfish Andrea's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122029 Centrobranchus nigroocellatus (Günther, 1873) Roundnose Lanternfish Roundnose Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122904 Centrobranchus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122021 Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Lütken, 1892) Warming's Lanternfish Warming's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122905 Ceratoscopelus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122003 Ctenoscopelus phengodes (Lütken, 1892) Bright Lanternfish Bright Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122929 Ctenoscopelus spp. 2022-07-26 2022-07-26
37 122009 Dasyscopelus asper (Richardson, 1845) Prickly Lanternfish Prickly Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122055 Dasyscopelus brachygnathos (Bleeker, 1856) Shortjaw Lanternfish Shortjaw Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122099 Dasyscopelus obtusirostris (Tåning, 1928) Bluntsnout Lanternfish Bluntsnout Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122057 Dasyscopelus orientalis Gilbert, 1913 Oriental Lanternfish Oriental Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122100 Dasyscopelus selenops (Tåning, 1928) Lunar Lanternfish Lunar Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122101 Dasyscopelus spinosus (Steindachner, 1867) Spiny Lanternfish Spiny Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122930 Dasyscopelus spp. 2022-07-26 2022-07-26
37 122112 Diaphus adenomus Gilbert, 1905 [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122030 Diaphus anderseni Tåning, 1932 Andersen's Lanternfish Andersen's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122031 Diaphus bertelseni Nafpaktitis, 1966 Bertelsen's Lanternfish Bertelsen's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122032 Diaphus brachycephalus Tåning, 1928 Shorthead Lanternfish Shorthead Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122083 Diaphus chrysorhynchus Gilbert & Cramer, 1897 Goldnose Lanternfish Goldnose Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122006 Diaphus coeruleus (Klunzinger, 1871) Blue Lanternfish Blue Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122001 Diaphus danae Tåning, 1932 Dana Lanternfish Dana Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122072 Diaphus diadematus Tåning, 1932 Crown Lanternfish Crown Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122015 Diaphus drachmanni Tåning, 1932 Drachmann's Lanternfish Drachmann's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122033 Diaphus effulgens (Goode & Bean, 1896) Headlight Lanternfish Headlight Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122034 Diaphus fragilis Tåning, 1928 Fragile Lanternfish Fragile Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122084 Diaphus garmani Gilbert, 1906 Garman's Lanternfish Garman's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122061 Diaphus hudsoni Zurbrigg & Scott, 1976 Hudson's Lanternfish Hudson's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122082 Diaphus impostor Nafpaktitis, Robertson & Paxton, 1995 Impostor Lanternfish Impostor Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122085 Diaphus jenseni Tåning, 1932 Jensen's Lanternfish Jensen's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122073 Diaphus kapalae Nafpaktitis, Robertson & Paxton, 1995 Kapala Lanternfish Kapala Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122086 Diaphus lucidus (Goode & Bean, 1896) Spotlight Lanternfish Spotlight Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122035 Diaphus luetkeni (Brauer, 1904) Luetken's Lanternfish Luetken's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122087 Diaphus malayanus Weber, 1913 Malayan Lanternfish Malayan Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122036 Diaphus meadi Nafpaktitis, 1978 Mead's Lanternfish Mead's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122037 Diaphus metopoclampus (Cocco, 1829) Bluntnose Lanternfish Bluntnose Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122038 Diaphus mollis Tåning, 1928 Soft Lanternfish Soft Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122012 Diaphus ostenfeldi Tåning, 1932 Ostenfeld's Lanternfish Ostenfeld's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122039 Diaphus parri Tåning, 1932 Parr's Lanternfish Parr's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122008 Diaphus perspicillatus (Ogilby, 1898) Flatface Lanternfish Flatface Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122088 Diaphus phillipsi Fowler, 1934 Phillips' Lanternfish Phillips' Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122089 Diaphus problematicus Parr, 1928 Problematic Lanternfish Problematic Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122090 Diaphus regani Tåning, 1932 Regan's Lanternfish Regan's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122111 Diaphus sp [of Last et al 2014 Coral Sea checklist] [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122040 Diaphus splendidus (Brauer, 1904) Horned Lanternfish Horned Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122041 Diaphus termophilus Tåning, 1928 Warmwater Lanternfish Warmwater Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122091 Diaphus thiollierei Fowler, 1934 Thiolliere's Lanternfish Thiolliere's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122013 Diaphus watasei Jordan & Starks, 1904 Watase's Lanternfish Watase's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122906 Diaphus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122042 Diogenichthys atlanticus (Tåning, 1928) Atlantic Lanternfish Atlantic Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122907 Diogenichthys spp. 2012-10-05
37 122750 Electrona antarctica (Günther, 1878) [a lanternfish] 2004-04-14 2022-01-27
37 122104 Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning, 1932) Carlsberg's Lanternfish Carlsberg's Lanternfish 2005-11-07 2009-01-06
37 122075 Electrona paucirastra Bolin, 1962 Belted Lanternfish Belted Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122043 Electrona risso (Cocco, 1829) Risso's Lanternfish Risso's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122014 Electrona subaspera (Günther, 1864) Rough Lanternfish Rough Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122901 Electrona spp. [a lanternfish] 2009-10-21
37 122044 Gonichthys barnesi Whitley, 1943 Barnes' Lanternfish Barnes' Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2012-01-09
37 122908 Gonichthys spp. 2012-10-05
37 122113 Gymnoscopelus bolini Andriashev, 1962 [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122751 Gymnoscopelus braueri (Lönnberg, 1905) [a lanternfish] 2004-04-14 2004-04-14
37 122114 Gymnoscopelus fraseri (Fraser-Brunner, 1931) [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122105 Gymnoscopelus hintonoides Hulley, 1981 False-Midas Lanternfish False-Midas Lanternfish 2005-11-07 2009-01-06
37 122106 Gymnoscopelus microlampas Hulley, 1981 Minispotted Lanternfish Minispotted Lanternfish 2005-11-07 2009-01-06
37 122752 Gymnoscopelus nicholsi (Gilbert, 1911) [a lanternfish] 2004-04-14 2004-04-14
37 122753 Gymnoscopelus opisthopterus Fraser-Brunner, 1949 [a lanternfish] 2004-04-14 2004-04-14
37 122018 Gymnoscopelus piabilis (Whitley, 1931) Southern Blacktip Lanternfish Southern Blacktip Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122909 Gymnoscopelus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122115 Hintonia candens Fraser-Brunner, 1949 [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122928 Hintonia spp. [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2022-01-20
37 122045 Hygophum hanseni (Tåning, 1932) Hansen's Lanternfish Hansen's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122004 Hygophum hygomii (Lütken, 1892) Hygom's Lanternfish Hygom's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122092 Hygophum macrochir (Günther, 1864) Largefin Lanternfish Largefin Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122023 Hygophum proximum Becker, 1965 Firefly Lanternfish Firefly Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2012-01-09
37 122046 Hygophum reinhardtii (Lütken, 1892) Reinhardt's Lanternfish Reinhardt's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122910 Hygophum spp. 2012-10-05
37 122754 Krefftichthys anderssoni (Lönnberg, 1905) [a lanternfish] 2004-04-14 2004-04-14
37 122911 Krefftichthys spp. 2012-10-05
37 122093 Lampadena chavesi Collett, 1905 Chaves' Lanternfish Chaves' Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122094 Lampadena luminosa (Garman, 1899) Luminous Lanternfish Luminous Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122047 Lampadena notialis Nafpaktitis & Paxton, 1968 Notal Lanternfish Notal Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122062 Lampadena speculigera Goode & Bean, 1896 Mirror Lanternfish Mirror Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122095 Lampadena urophaos Paxton, 1963 Tail-light Lanternfish Tail-light Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122912 Lampadena spp. 2012-10-05
37 122002 Lampanyctodes hectoris (Günther, 1876) Hector's Lanternfish Hector's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122913 Lampanyctodes spp. 2012-10-05
37 122096 Lampanyctus achirus Andriashev, 1962 Cripplefin Lanternfish Cripplefin Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122048 Lampanyctus alatus Goode & Bean, 1896 Winged Lanternfish Winged Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122049 Lampanyctus ater Tåning, 1928 Dusky Lanternfish Dusky Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2022-07-26
37 122019 Lampanyctus australis Tåning, 1932 Austral Lanternfish Austral Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2012-01-09
37 122050 Lampanyctus festivus Tåning, 1928 Festive Lanternfish Festive Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122020 Lampanyctus intricarius Tåning, 1928 Intricate Lanternfish Intricate Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122051 Lampanyctus lepidolychnus Becker, 1967 Mermaid Lanternfish Mermaid Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2012-01-09
37 122063 Lampanyctus macdonaldi (Goode & Bean, 1896) MacDonald's Lanternfish MacDonald's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122097 Lampanyctus nobilis Tåning, 1928 Noble Lanternfish Noble Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122052 Lampanyctus pusillus (Johnson, 1890) Pygmy Lanternfish Pygmy Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122064 Lampanyctus sp. [Paxton, pers comm] [a lanternfish] 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122914 Lampanyctus spp. 2012-10-05 2022-07-26
37 122017 Lampichthys procerus (Brauer, 1904) Blackhead Lanternfish Blackhead Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122915 Lampichthys spp. 2012-10-05
37 122053 Lobianchia dofleini (Zugmayer, 1911) Doflein's Lanternfish Doflein's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122054 Lobianchia gemellarii (Cocco, 1838) Gemellar's Lanternfish Gemellar's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122916 Lobianchia spp. 2012-10-05
37 122098 Loweina rara (Lütken, 1892) Rare Lanternfish Rare Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122917 Loweina spp. 2012-10-05
37 122107 Metelectrona herwigi Hulley, 1981 Herwig Lanternfish Herwig Lanternfish 2005-11-07 2009-01-06
37 122016 Metelectrona ventralis (Becker, 1963) Flaccid Lanternfish Flaccid Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2012-01-09
37 122918 Metelectrona spp. 2012-10-05
37 122056 Myctophum nitidulum Garman, 1899 Pearly-spotted Lanternfish Pearly-spotted Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122919 Myctophum spp. 2012-10-05
37 122058 Notolychnus valdiviae (Brauer, 1904) Topside Lanternfish Topside Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122921 Notolychnus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122070 Notoscopelus caudispinosus (Johnson, 1863) Spinetail Lanternfish Spinetail Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122022 Notoscopelus resplendens (Richardson, 1845) Patchwork Lanternfish Patchwork Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122922 Notoscopelus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122116 Protomyctophum andriashevi Becker, 1963 [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122755 Protomyctophum bolini (Fraser-Brunner, 1949) [a lanternfish] 2004-04-14 2004-04-14
37 122067 Protomyctophum normani (Tåning, 1932) Norman's Lanternfish Norman's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122102 Protomyctophum parallelum (Lönnberg, 1905) Parallel Lanternfish Parallel Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122068 Protomyctophum subparallelum (Tåning, 1932) Subparallel Lanternfish Subparallel Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122117 Protomyctophum tenisoni (Norman, 1930) [a lanternfish] 2018-07-08 2018-07-08
37 122923 Protomyctophum spp. 2012-10-05
37 122005 Scopelopsis multipunctatus Brauer, 1906 Multispot Lanternfish Multispot Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122924 Scopelopsis spp. 2012-10-05
37 122007 Symbolophorus barnardi (Tåning, 1932) Barnard's Lanternfish Barnard's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122103 Symbolophorus boops (Richardson, 1845) Spotfin Lanternfish Spotfin Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122059 Symbolophorus evermanni (Gilbert, 1905) Evermann's Lanternfish Evermann's Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122925 Symbolophorus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122069 Taaningichthys bathyphilus (Tåning, 1928) Deepwater Lanternfish Deepwater Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122926 Taaningichthys spp. 2012-10-05
37 122071 Triphoturus nigrescens (Brauer, 1904) Vagabond Lanternfish Vagabond Lanternfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 122927 Triphoturus spp. 2012-10-05
37 122000 Myctophidae lanternfishes 1999-08-10
37 121001 Neoscopelus macrolepidotus Johnson, 1863 Largescale Neoscopelid Largescale Neoscopelid 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 121002 Neoscopelus microchir Matsubara, 1943 Shortfin Neoscopelid Shortfin Neoscopelid 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 121003 Neoscopelus porosus Arai, 1969 Spangleside Neoscopelid Spangleside Neoscopelid 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 121004 Neoscopelus sp. A [in Williams et al, 1996] [a largescale lanternfish] 2002-10-23 2009-01-06
37 121901 Neoscopelus spp. 2012-10-05
37 121005 Scopelengys tristis Alcock, 1890 2024-09-02 2024-09-02
37 121902 Scopelengys spp. 2024-09-02 2024-09-02
37 121000 Neoscopelidae largescale lanternfishes 1999-08-10 2004-08-17

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