Reference table 2: measurement flag scale

Argo measurement flag scale
n Meaning Real-time comment Delayed-mode comment
0 no Qc performed . .
1good data All realtime QC tests passed Adjusted value is statistically consistent and a statistical error estimate is supplied
2 probably good n/a .
3 bad but potentially correctable not to be used without scientific correction An adjustment has been made but the value may still be bad
4 bad . .
5 value changed . .
6 .. .
7 . . .
8 interpolated . .
9 missing value . .

Reference table 2a: profile quality flag

N is defined as the percentage of levels with good data where:
QC flag values of 1, 2, 5, or 8 are GOOD data
QC flag values of 9 (missing) are NOT USED in the computation
All other QC flag values are BAD data
The computation should be taken from PARAM_ADJUSTED_QC if available and from PARAM_QC otherwise.

Argo whole-of-profile flags
n Meaning
' ' No QC performed
A N = 100%; All good
B 75% <= N < 100%
C 50% <= N < 75%
D 25% <= N < 50%
E 0% < N < 2%
F N=0%; all bad