Pressure correction with Surface Pressure Offset

This page is automatically created by code which scans all files in the Argo Coriolis GDAC.

Tables below, one for each PI, list any floats for which automated pressure correction checks could be made, and/or where for some profiles the difference between PRES and PRES_ADJUSTED varies throughout the profile.

ColumnDescriptionColour 1Colour 2Colour 3
DM profsnumber of DM profiles .. .
RT profsnumber of RT profiles .. .
no P ADJnumber of profiles with any missing PRES_ADJUSTED or PRES_ADJUSTED_QC values (where PRES and PRES_QC values do exist). . .
Pcor varies profiles where difference between PRES and PRES_ADJUSTED varies throughout the profile (does not refer to SOLO floats where deepest value adjusted to correct bin average pressure)if any occurences ..
MODELbasic float model . . .
SP Parameter namecode for the Surface Pressure Parameter name (follow link to table to determine name) SP param name changes thru float lifetime. .
SP offsetAssumed SP Offset for float type (eg 5dbar for Apex). . .
Num Testsnumber of profiles where DAC and CSIRO-automated correction can be compared Some better agreement using non-standard treatment. .
Exact agreenumber of tests with exact agreementif ALL tests agree. .
Small diff (<1dBar)number of test which agree to within 1dBarDAC has explainedsmall number of large diffslarge disagreement, >80% of profs
Large diff (>1dBar)number of tests which disagree by more than 1 aBar DAC has explainedsmall number of large diffslarge disagreement, >80% of profs
Zero corr (auto-cor?) * * * indicates all DAC correction are zero, but some SP are not zero, suggesting that this is an auto-correcting float (or a truncated Apex)
* indicates all DAC correction AND all SP are zero, which leaves it unclear whether this is auto-correcting, truncated, or other.
Some large disagreements, so float type might be mistaken. .

PI: fengying_ji
WMODM profsRT profsno P ADJPcor variesMODELSP Parameter nameSP OffsetNum TestsExact agreeSmall diff (<1dBar)Large diff (>1dBar)Zero corr (auto-cor?)

PI: jianqing_zhou
WMODM profsRT profsno P ADJPcor variesMODELSP Parameter nameSP OffsetNum TestsExact agreeSmall diff (<1dBar)Large diff (>1dBar)Zero corr (auto-cor?)