This table examines the format used in tech files.

Floats with zero profiles will not have conforming tech files because they will lack a Surface Pressure Offset parameter. These are reported in the first row and not examined further.

A list of all non-conforming files for each DAC can be accessed via the Plots Index Tables

Definition of terms used in Tech Files table

No profiles New or Died-on-launch floats that will not have full tech files.

Missing No tech file provided for float.

Old: Old format tech file.

Old - Bad: Old format but no TECHNICAL_PARAMETER_NAME matches any of the old standard Surface Pressure Offset parameter names.

New: New format tech files.

New, Bad format: New format, but no TECHNICAL_PARAMETER_NAME matches expected new Surface Pressure Offset parmeters names.

V2.3: New format and FORMAT_VERSION = "V2.3".

This page last updated 27 Sep 2010